Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Grégoire Gurtner ("GG") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
GG : I arrived in the world of design very late, after training as a mason and many years working on construction sites. I always wanted to create new things, this path was certainly pre-destined.
GG : I like to create, I like to stand out, I like to surprise others. Design is the possibility of being able to respond to requests, while creating astonishment.
GG : I chose it, clearly, for the love of creation
GG : J'aime le mobilier. Mais j'espère pouvoir offrir mes services dans les domaines les plus vastes possibles.
GG : I don't pretend to be a legend. But you just have to believe in yourself, dare to show yourself, without fear of the eyes of others. If you don't do it for others, at least do it for yourself.
GG : If I were lucky enough to have only one, it would be easy to answer that question.
GG : pour résumer de la plus simple des manières, la passion
GG : my best design is my Wall-O chair. I think he is distinguished by his sobriety, and arouses curiosity.
GG : I've always been attracted to rescue jobs, ambulance?
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