Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer ELTO Consultancy ("EC") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.

DL: Could you please tell us a bit about your design background and education?

EC : I got the Bachelor Degree in Interior Architecture from University of Sedaya International, Malaysia. After graduation, I got the chance to work with Henry Leung, a famous Hospitality designer from CAP Atelier(former company name was Chhada Siembieda Leung Pte. Ltd in Hong Kong). Henry has been my great mentor in my design life.

DL: What motivates you to design in general, why did you become a designer?

EC : I always wished to be an architect, but end-up to be an interior architect. I am passionate about using work to make a difference, whether by improving the quality of everyday life, shaping culture, or contributing to social change. I am inspired by a desire to create spaces, products, or experiences that bring people together or foster well-being.

DL: Did you choose to become a designer, or you were forced to become one?

EC : It was surely my choice, a passionate choice for aesthetic building and space.

DL: What do you design, what type of designs do you wish to design more of?

EC : I do design for Hospitality space,School/Academy space, Commercial retail/ corporate offices and also some private residences. I love for projects that are seeking for new thoughts and direction, that challenge more creativity.

DL: What should young designers do to become a design legend like you?

EC : To have persistence in the right position. Design is a long process, we need to keep learning and explore to get different experience.

DL: What distinguishes between a good designer and a great designer?

EC : Vision and practice, a different way in seeing and doing things.

DL: What makes a good design a really good design, how do you evaluate good design?

EC : The intention and approach based on the medium and context on the design, that carry out well-functional, aesthetic and wow factor.

DL: What is the value of good design? Why should everyone invest in good design?

EC : Good design generates economic and social value, and could enhance our lives.

DL: What would you design and who would you design for if you had the time?

EC : Projects that are seeking for new thoughts and direction; Client who are willing to try and go for something unique with their own personality.

DL: What is the dream project you haven’t yet had time to realize?

EC : I dream of creating furniture and decorative products of my own brand. This is a very big project.

DL: What is your secret recipe of success in design, what is your secret ingredient?

EC : Ok, I tell you secretly... keep passion, and stay out of the box.

DL: Who are some other design masters and legends you get inspired from?

EC : Avel Verdvoot, Carlo Scarpa, Tadao Ando, Kengo Kuma, Christian Liaigre etc.

DL: What are your favorite designs by other designers, why do you like them?

EC : I like design that somehow got the shadow of Japanese Zen Influences that speaks to the universe and nature, which is soothing and poetic. But i also like wild and fascinating design from Philip Starck.

DL: What is your greatest design, which aspects of that design makes you think it is great?

EC : Salon de Ning, Peninsula Shanghai. Salon de Ning is a place where history, art, luxury, and modern design come together. It provides a refined experience that appeals to those seeking both cultural richness and sophisticated relaxation in Shanghai. Whether for its elegant ambiance, spectacular views, or its distinctive design, Salon de Ning is a memorable destination for those wanting a unique and exclusive experience.

DL: How could people improve themselves to be better designers, what did you do?

EC : Keep the passion, keep trying and exploring.

DL: If you hadn’t become a designer, what would you have done?

EC : Architect.

DL: How do you define design, what is design for you?

EC : Design is a language to connect people, the body and soul to the environment. It makes the world better.

DL: Who helped you to reach these heights, who was your biggest supporter?

EC : My business partner Samme Goh, and my family who always support me.

DL: What helped you to become a great designer?

EC : Learning and Exploring, and importantly listening the inner voice of myself.

DL: What were the obstacles you faced before becoming a design master?

EC : Learning to organize myself in between lots of different thoughts.

DL: How do you think designers should present their work?

EC : With confidence and conviction.

DL: What’s your next design project, what should we expect from you in future?

EC : We are now designing a spa in French style. It is totally different from the GTR and Teleport project. We transform the classic elements into a modern way of presentation, carrying some sense of romance and softness.

DL: What’s your ultimate goal as a designer?

EC : To make lives and world better.

DL: What people expect from an esteemed designer such as yourself?

EC : Better understanding about what they need.

DL: How does design help create a better society?

EC : Design influences people and, anything that can influence people can make an impact on society.

DL: What are you currently working on that you are especially excited about?

EC : We are now creating our own two brands : RFLAB and ELTOMADE RF Lab is a brand that specializes in creating innovative, sustainable, and culturally rich décor products that blend traditional craftsmanship with modern design aesthetics. The brand is known for its focus on sustainability, ethical production, and cultural preservation, promoting the idea of east meet west, where it collaborates with local artisans to create high-quality, handcrafted pieces. ELTO Made is an art and décor brand, dedicated to creating unique masterpiece that elevate living spaces and reflect individual styles and personalities. The collections are a fusion of artistry and inspiration, curated through collaborations with artists and visionary designers.

DL: Which design projects gave you the most satisfaction, why?

EC : One of the most acclaimed projects is the GTR and Teleport Office, which exemplifies lots of innovative approach and our commitment to creating spaces that are not only functional but also rich in character and context.

DL: What would you like to see changed in design industry in the coming years?

EC : Design that embrace technology, but sustainable design.

DL: Where do you think the design field is headed next?

EC : The design field is heading towards more sustainable, inclusive, and technologically driven approaches. With a focus on human-centered experiences, digital integration, and eco-conscious practices, design will continue to evolve to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. The boundaries between the physical and digital realms will blur, offering endless opportunities for creative innovation.

DL: How long does it take you to finalize a design project?

EC : It depends... few days to few months.

DL: When you have a new design project, where do you start?

EC : I will first do research on the client background, specificities of program, site, function, and history which is essential to the creation of rigorous design work. From there, i will come out with a concept or story for the design.

DL: What is your life motto as a designer?

EC : What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.

DL: Do you think design sets the trends or trends set the designs?

EC : They both goes together proportionally, like "Chicken and Egg" Theory.

DL: What is the role of technology when you design?

EC : The usage of modern technology performs the tasks in effective time and reasonable cost.

DL: What kind of design software and equipment do you use in your work?

EC : Photoshop, Autocad, 3d max, Microsoft Words/ Powerpoint.

DL: What is the role of the color, materials and ambient in design?

EC : They are the key to express design intention.

DL: What do you wish people to ask about your design?

EC : I hope design can speaks by itself without questions. but I would still love to share the story behind.

DL: When you see a new great design or product what comes into your mind?

EC : I would appreciate it and wonder how did he/she came out with this idea?

DL: Who is your ideal design partner? Do you believe in co-design?

EC : My business partner Samme Goh, who complementary and challenge me. There must be chemistry occurs for co-design.

DL: Which people you interacted had the most influence on your design?

EC : Someone who are extraordinary and have great vision.

DL: Which books you read had the most effect on your design?

EC : Kengo Kuma <My life as an Architect>.

DL: How did you develop your skills as a master designer?

EC : Practicing and cultivating appetite for discovery. never give up.

DL: Irrelative of time and space, who you would want to meet, talk and discuss with?

EC : Buddha. His teachings offer profound insight into how to live more mindfully, with compassion, and in harmony with the world around you. Buddha’s wisdom can be a source of light in times of darkness, offering a roadmap to a life of greater understanding and inner peace.

DL: How do you feel about all the awards and recognition you had, is it hard to be famous?

EC : I feel honored and it gives encouragement to produce more great works. Yes it is difficult to be famous. We need to work hard for it.

DL: What is your favorite color, place, food, season, thing and brand?

EC : Grey and white. Malaysia local flavor food. I love Autumn. I love my British shorthair cat.

DL: Please tell us a little memoir, a funny thing you had experienced as a designer?

EC : I tried to gain more inspiration when I drank wine. But normally I would fall asleep directly...

DL: What makes your day great as a designer, how do you motivate yourself?

EC : I always like this quote to motivate myself in design: If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.

DL: When you were a little child, was it obvious that you would become a great designer?

EC : No. I thought I would be a teacher.

DL: What do you think about future; what do you see will happen in thousand years from now?

EC : I see I will be still designing for a better life for all beings.

DL: Please tell us anything you wish your fans to know about you, your design and anything else?

EC : I always love to share the story of our Company name "Eleven To One" (ELTO). It paints a concept of a clock. To draw a middle line on the clock, 12 o’clock is the boundary. When hour hand straddles from 11 o’clock to 1 o’clock, it is beyond the boundary. It is just as design crossing different fields and creativity is always an essential. From 11am-1pm, or 11pm to 1am, there is neither ending nor beginning. It is a perfection of ever-lasting. It is beyond design through penetration and integration.



GTR and Teleport Office

GTR and Teleport Office by ELTO Consultancy

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