Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Habib Bakas ("HB") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
HB : My journey in art and design began when I was 15. With a friend, who's like a brother to me, we were planning to create a role-playing game (RPG). We drew together, until he decided to concentrate on the music and I on creating the environments and characters. A friend of mine at the time, whom I considered a mentor, helped me to perfect my portrait and character design skills. This project to create this game has always animated me, even today, and pushed me to continue creating drawings, or virtual sculptures, in 3D. As far as my academic background is concerned, I have a Baccalaureate in fine arts, followed by a degree in 3D design specializing in characters and environments. Following this degree, I worked at Eden Games on the game “Test Drive Unlimited 2”. And I continued to design as a solo indie game developer (on my own project Under Unreal Engine 5).
HB : What has always motivated me to create designs is the idea of creating my own universe in the form of a video game or an interactive story. I love creating characters and the environments in which they evolve.
HB : Yes of course! No one but fate pushed me to become a designer! Design is my passion, and I spend every evening working on my own project.
HB : I concentrated on several types of design. As I'm creating my own video game, alone, I have to design environments, items, characters, and their accessories. It's very rewarding, but it takes up all my time! At the moment, I'm creating the characters. It's a cyberpunk world, so I'm drawing on both reality and fantasy. This leads me to conceive more types of design. Also the level design of the game, and the architecture of the locations.
HB : I don't know myself, because I don't consider myself as a design Legend at all! The only thing I can say and apply to myself is that you have to be interested in many fields, not just design. Take an interest in different sports, for example, or in different cultures, different ways of looking at the world, current affairs, science and its discoveries... You have to be curious about everything, both in terms of culture and design techniques, to see how others approach or make a design, how they do it, and see if we can use their techniques to create our own designs.
HB : In my opinion, a great designer is distinguished from a good designer by his originality, by his approach to design. It doesn't have to be technical, but if the concept is original, something we're not used to see, something we hadn't thought of, then it's a great designer.
HB : For example, if the design is for an object or an accessory, if it works, if it's beautifully shaped, if it's original, if it stands out from the crowd. So I'd say by its originality and the shapes or curves of the object.
HB : Its value resides in its originality. Originality brings copies. Everyone will want to copy and create their own version of this design. To be a pioneer, to have a pioneering design before anyone else, that's what you have to invest in.
HB : I design my own video game or interactive story. This includes characters, story world, cities, props and costumes. I'm fully satisfied creating it on my own, as it allows me to see many forms of design. If I have time, I create portraits of my loved ones.
HB : The project I had with my friend when I was 15! I'm in the process of realizing it, but with a slightly different vision than when we first imagined it! I think I'll have 3 or 4 years before I finish it. Very time-consuming.
HB : I'd say take time and step back from what you're doing. Time is the best ingredient for creativity.
HB : In my specific field, 3D characters, I'd say "Ibrahim Sefki" and "Ian Spriggs". For drawing, I love "Yoshitaka Amano". As for fine arts, I really like "Gustav Klimt", "Alphonse Mucha" and "Rembrandt". And on the creative side, even though he's neither an engineer nor a designer, but for me, a creative genius, I love "Steve Jobs".
HB : At the museum of "H.R. Giger", the creator of the “Xenomorph” in “Alien the movie. His museum, the particular architecture of some places, his design brilliance in the science fiction genre. I'm also very sensitive to interior furnishings, if the design of the objects has "futuristic shapes”.
HB : I don't have a greatest design yet, I hope I'm creating one. I hope the project I'm working on could be a greatest design. I think the most important aspects are originality, and that it reaches as many people as possible.
HB : Curiosity! Being interested in everything! Do things you're not used to do, see other design styles, other types of design.
HB : I think I'd be a potato farmer on Mars!
HB : Anything that affects us and makes us want to see it. Design is creativity. Design is art that is useful to others.
HB : They're the people closest to me, the ones I love. But also what I see in everyday life that affects me.
HB : I still don't consider myself as a great designer! I have so many things to do and realize, to try out, with all the mistakes I make. It's a long way from considering myself as such!
HB : The constant doubt that I'll never succeed. The gaze of others, whether good or bad. All the repeated failures. But as they say, when there's a will there's a way! It's bound to happen one day!
HB : On video. And broadcast the video presentation of their designs. Don't hesitate to show them at design events too.
HB : This is the realization of my video game project, or interactive story (the exact form is not yet definitive). In 3 or 4 years' time, I'd be delighted to present it to you, especially at an upcoming A' Design Award competition!
HB : The realization of this project, the project that has been with me for several years. To present it to everyone, for free.
HB : My support and advice. Whether it's a look at what the person is creating, or the techniques I use to make my designs. Encouraging them to create. Let them know they're not alone.
HB : It helps a lot! Design can change everything! It brings beauty, utility, something out of the ordinary and out of our monotonous daily lives. If that design is useful and functional, even better. It allows us to escape mentally, and imagine ourselves in another world. Design links all cultures, all peoples around the world.
HB : On my personal project that I've been wanting to create for over 25 years! I'm trying to create a cyberpunk universe around an interactive short film (an interactive story). I'm creating the main characters, sculpting them and integrating them directly into Unreal Engine 5. I can't wait to get the project well under way and show it to you soon. For me, it would be the culmination of my entire design life.
HB : The current project, on which I work hard every day. It's a whole universe, and I see many different aspects of design (architecture, character, objects, costumes, accessories). It's my design dream!
HB : From a technical and artistic point of view, I'd love to see the development of a digital museum, where you can see works and designs in augmented reality. Virtual designs all over the city. From a professional point of view, I'd like to see the industry give more chances to people who don't have a diploma, who don't necessarily have a voluminous art portfolio, to give them a chance to prove what they can do with an art test. No pre-selection of candidates, but directly give them an art test.
HB : I think the design field is moving towards augmented reality or virtual reality. Seeing designs directly at home, or in the streets, wherever you are. Seeing them in 3 dimensions, with augmented reality glasses or your phone. There's also the question of AI, which generates designs by copying those of real designers.
HB : It depends on the project. But on the latest project I'm currently working on, it's several years of work. It all depends on the project.
HB : I gather as much information as possible on the various aspects of the design to be created. The history of the object to be designed, how it works, what already exists. Is it an entirely original object? A phase of iconographic research is very important. Then comes the sketching stage, in search of possible silhouettes for the design. Once the shapes are defined, the materials and textures of the design are researched. And finally, the final composition of the design, with a view to its presentation.
HB : My motto is “nothing is impossible” and everything has to be created!
HB : That's a very good question. I think there's an original design, and then there are many forms of design based on it. An original design that sets new trends.
HB : For me, it's a major, even essential role. Technology is all about connecting with others, and therefore giving everyone access to design, no matter where they are. Technology also makes it possible to design in 3D. Augmented reality is a game changer in the field of design.
HB : I use my pen tablet and Photoshop to draw and conceptualize first ideas very quickly. I use "PureRef" which is a mini program that allows you to bring to the foreground lots of images you've collected. I use Zbrush for virtual sculpture, maya (3D) and Blender, Adobe substance painter and Mari to paint objects and characters in 3D, and Unreal Engine 5 to integrate them into a video game engine and design the world I'm thinking of.
HB : Color, materials and light play a fundamental role in design. It gives design an artistic vision. Something dark or colorful can evoke different emotions and moods. It's all part and parcel of the mood, the universe you want to give your design. Light is just as important.
HB : I don't expect them to ask me questions about my designs, just to like or dislike what I do. Let them tell me what it provokes in them when they see the design, and not necessarily look for the real meaning of the design. Everyone is free to give their own interpretation and the use they see in the design. That's the best thing for me!
HB : It gives me immense joy and drives me to create my own stuff and share it with others.
HB : Yes of course! I love talking to other indie solo creators and game developers who are in a similar situation to me. I chat on Discord. My ideal design partner could be anyone, as long as they're happy to create and contribute their vision.
HB : I don't feel that I'm influenced by anyone in my designs. I'd say it's a universe, a style that influences me, or if someone influences me, I'd say H.R. Giger. For universes, it's science fiction, or anything from the cyberpunk world.
HB : I hardly read any books. I'm more of a cinephile. I love movies and TV shows. For my design, I'd say the Alien universe, Predators, InterStellar, Starship Troopers...
HB : With workshops, master workshops (tutorials). Lots of practical tests to see what works and what doesn't for me. Lots of mistakes and failures. Exchanging with other designers on social networks such as Discord. The exchanges and advice are invaluable! It makes you see things more clearly, and opens you up to other techniques.
HB : With anyone who loves design, there's nothing better than an art or design enthusiast.
HB : The recognition of others, and of professional juries is the most beautiful thing for a designer, and I would even say before having a job, a professional in this field.
HB : My favorite color is purple and Hazel. My favorite food comes from Italy, homemade" lasagne", but also from France as a speciality from my region (Haute-Savoie, called "Tartiflette", and "tarte au citron"). I used to love summer, but now I prefer autumn. My favorite brands are Alienware (Dell) and Apple! I can also say that I love all animals, even the ones that are considered dangerous. Pugs are fun dogs!
HB : A producer I used to work for told me exactly what he wanted, I couldn't do it the way I wanted, and at the end it was really ugly, but he loved it! I'm ashamed of it, and I'll renounce that design forever! Now that there's AI, people like him have to enjoy themselves!
HB : Seeing others succeed in creating what they want, their success and their happiness in showing it. Music also helps me a lot.
HB : I'd say no! but I can reassure you that even today I'm still not one! haha
HB : Everyone will be ultra-connected. We'll have chips embedded in our bodies, quantum computers that will be part of us. We'll be able to exchange information around the world, without the need for physical devices like smartphones or computers. They'll be inside us, and we'll be able to directly create what we're thinking and share it instantly.
HB : I'm in the process of creating an interactive story in which everyone will have a part to play and contribute to the story. I look forward to sharing my current project with them. See you soon!
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