Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Stefano Rosselli ("SR") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.

DL: Could you please tell us a bit about your design background and education?

SR : I am a freelance self-taught illustrator and designer. As far as I recall, I’ve always been fascinated by aesthetic and very often I could be seen with a sheet of paper and pencil in hand, creating my own designs. During my younger years, comics and video games played an important role in rising my interest in becoming a professional illustrator and designer. Since 2010 (the year that I started freelancing), I had the pleasure to work for clients such as Thomson Reuters (Geneva, CH), The Swiss Red Cross (Basel, CH), LDES University of Geneva (Geneva, CH), The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (Geneva, CH), amongst many others.

DL: What motivates you to design in general, why did you become a designer?

SR : I became a designer, because I simply adore to create meaningful and playful designs which may contribute to enhance, in various ways, people’s experience while they interact/come across with the designed product. And as a way to share a vision with others too.

DL: Did you choose to become a designer, or you were forced to become one?

SR : I chose to become a designer. It was part of my childhood dreams. I couldn’t imagine my life without designing, professionally or not.

DL: What do you design, what type of designs do you wish to design more of?

SR : Digital illustrations, user interface themes, icons, and logos. I used to wish to design more UI themes, but since a couple of years I am so much enjoying to design fully customized playing cards decks that I would like to mainly focus on this kind of projects now on.

DL: What should young designers do to become a design legend like you?

SR : This is a difficult question to answer, because it is a blend of so many factors over which we don’t always have control. I would simply advice to be persistent, to always work with great passion, to always look to improve oneself, to be curious, to have an open mind, empathy, welcome feedbacks, to have an eye for details and to create meaningful unique designs which tell stories that resonate with the audience they are made for.

DL: What distinguishes between a good designer and a great designer?

SR : I think that the ability to reach a very high level of clarity about the design intent is what often distinguishes a good designer from a great designer. However, creating an unambiguous striped down design which highly enhance the user experience can be extremely difficult.

DL: What makes a good design a really good design, how do you evaluate good design?

SR : In my opinion, a really good design is a great blend between aesthetic (even if this is subjective), meaning, honesty, usefulness, uniqueness, attention to details, user experience enhancement, timelessness, clarity, and effectiveness in solving a problem.

DL: What is the value of good design? Why should everyone invest in good design?

SR : In my opinion, good design is supposed to enhance people’s life. Making life better, easier and, to sum it up, more enjoyable is the aim of good design. Therefore, if economically possible, I think it’s a no brainer why everyone should invest in good design as much as possible.

DL: What would you design and who would you design for if you had the time?

SR : As a huge fan of sport, I would love to design a full brand identity for a basketball/soccer team and/or a tennis player (all these three sports being my favorite ones).

DL: What is the dream project you haven’t yet had time to realize?

SR : Beside realizing full brand identities related to the sports I like the most, I really would like to create a wide collection of fully customized playing cards decks.

DL: What is your secret recipe of success in design, what is your secret ingredient?

SR : I would tell that’s all the passion, attention to details and the meaning that I incorporate into all the designs that I create.

DL: Who are some other design masters and legends you get inspired from?

SR : James Gilleard and Malika Favre are two design masters who are a great source of inspiration. Both are absolutely awesome artists.

DL: What are your favorite designs by other designers, why do you like them?

SR : I am a great fan of James Gilleard and Malika Favre illustration design. It’s hard to pick a favorite design amongst their works as they are so many that I particularly appreciate. I really like their designs, because of the high level of sophistication, elegance, but also playfulness they manage to achieve by using simple shapes and geometry. I also highly appreciate their color palettes and, specifically for Malika Favre, her use of negative space (so clever). Their works are absolutely fantastic.

DL: What is your greatest design, which aspects of that design makes you think it is great?

SR : Till now, I think that « Two of Hearts » is my best design. The aspect of that design that I particularly appreciate and makes me think that’s my best design is the way I managed to visually translate the bond between the deep personal meaning I wanted to share with others and the one that’s often attributed to the two of hearts playing card. It is a universal message related to Love that all people who have read « The Little Prince » from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry can connect with.

DL: How could people improve themselves to be better designers, what did you do?

SR : As first by realizing that they can always do better. Then by always seeking for feedback and various source of inspiration at any moment and any place, by being curious and constantly willing to learn, and finally by not being afraid to do mistakes and to experiment.

DL: If you hadn’t become a designer, what would you have done?

SR : Teacher at primary school.

DL: How do you define design, what is design for you?

SR : In a nut shell, for me, design is an answer to a problem which can contribute (in a relatively important way) to make people’s life more enjoyable.

DL: Who helped you to reach these heights, who was your biggest supporter?

SR : Undoubtedly my dear loving wife. She is always there for me no matter what. Her honest and relevant feedback often helped me to improve my designs… even if I must confess that sometimes I had hard time hearing and digesting them ;)

DL: What helped you to become a great designer?

SR : Besides my wife’s tremendous feedback, my passion, dedication, persistence, hard work, attention to details and constant questioning helped me a lot.

DL: What were the obstacles you faced before becoming a design master?

SR : Lack of self-confidence, of knowledge, of experience and prejudices toward me based off the fact that I am a self-taught designer.

DL: What’s your next design project, what should we expect from you in future?

SR : Many more fully customized playing cards decks, UI themes and various brand identities for personal projects.

DL: What’s your ultimate goal as a designer?

SR : To create my own brand(s) and, through it(them), share my vision of design without compromises.

DL: What people expect from an esteemed designer such as yourself?

SR : Timeless, well-crafted designs with a particular attention to details. Understanding of their need(s), honesty, respect of deadlines and great communication.

DL: How does design help create a better society?

SR : By solving problems that can make life better, easier and, overall, more enjoyable. The happier people are the better society can potentially be.

DL: What are you currently working on that you are especially excited about?

SR : A new fully customized deck of playing cards.

DL: Which design projects gave you the most satisfaction, why?

SR : The creation of two souvenirs playing cards decks. Mainly because it was a long time that I wanted to create items which the design is entirely dedicated to the country and, also, more specifically, the canton where I was born and raised. All that as a modest tribute which could contribute to promote them inside and outside theirs borders and, also, to show my attachment to them. I consider both these projects as my main design legacy.

DL: What would you like to see changed in design industry in the coming years?

SR : Maybe less prejudices towards self-taught illustrators/designers.

DL: What is your life motto as a designer?

SR : Quality over quantity.

DL: Do you think design sets the trends or trends set the designs?

SR : I think that design sets the trends.

DL: What is the role of technology when you design?

SR : As a digital illustrator and designer, technology plays an important role when designing.

DL: What kind of design software and equipment do you use in your work?

SR : For the first iteration(s) of my designs, I mostly use a simple pencil and paper. Then when comes the moment to create the digital version, I do mainly use the industry leading vector graphics design software, sometimes coupled with photo editing and/or layout ones.

DL: What do you wish people to ask about your design?

SR : To describe the design process.

DL: How did you develop your skills as a master designer?

SR : By thoroughly analyzing other designers works and understanding the way they convey an intent. Also, by reading as much as possible articles, design presentations precisely describing a design process.

DL: Irrelative of time and space, who you would want to meet, talk and discuss with?

SR : Antoni Gaudí.

DL: What is your favorite color, place, food, season, thing and brand?

SR : Favorite color: royal blue, favorite place: Barcelona, favorite food: mezze, favorite season: spring, favorite thing: playing cards decks, favorite brand: Caran d’Ache.

DL: What makes your day great as a designer, how do you motivate yourself?

SR : When I get positive feedback by users/clients (via phone calls, emails, etc.) about my work that for sure makes my day great and gives me even more energy to keep on going.

DL: When you were a little child, was it obvious that you would become a great designer?

SR : No, but I for sure wanted to design for a living so I could spend even more time each day doing what I love. That was clear in my mind.

DL: Please tell us anything you wish your fans to know about you, your design and anything else?

SR : I just would like them to know that all the designs that I create are made with all my heart and that if I contribute to make them happy in any way thanks to my designs that means a world to me and fuels my will to keep on designing.



Two of Hearts Illustration

Two of Hearts Illustration by Stefano Rosselli

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Design Legends platform highlights valuable insights from the best designers from across the globe; a great resource for all designers to learn, reflect and think about good design and how good design helps create value for the society.

Design Legends website was created by DesignPRWire and A' Design Award to promote truly great designers, outstanding architects and inspirational artists that contribute to the development and advancement of society with their outstanding works.