Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Andrew Lam ("AL") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
AL : After graduated with a BFA in Animation, I work as a producer in the animation, vfx and gaming industry for a decade. Started up as a concept artist in the gaming industry to eventually managing projects. In 2015, I have an opportunity to join a friend who own a goldsmith workshop. I was tasked to modernizing the factory, exploring 3D printing technology and also touch on artistic work as I am build samples to test the pipeline. When the process improve, then I devoted more time in designing so I ended up as a jewelry designer. With background in gaming and animation, that explains my unique design style from conventional jewelry.
AL : There are a lot of things around us that we are numb about, sometime those things might be totally non user friendly but we just get use to it on with our lives. I feel that we can just put a little more effort to get things smoother and improve mankind a little more. For that I think we have at least contribute our life back to the society.
AL : I choose to become one, infact my parents did ask why don’t I be like my brother take up engineering courses. But I am glad my parents are very supportive when they know I will like to pursue my interest.
AL : Presently I am a jewelry designer, I will like to design more jewelry that my audience will like to associate with. Which allow them to express themselves.
AL : Constantly learning and executing. Only through constant execution then you skills can improve.
AL : Good designer accomplish his/her job and meet its requirement. Great designer improves and bring the design to the next level.
AL : In my opinion, a good design communicates. Not much instruction is given but a user will know how to use it. User-friendly.
AL : Our lives are getting complicated with a lot of new product and services keep popping out. And worse still they are diversify. Good design will simplify all these ‘cross confusion’. Basically simplify an already complicated life.
AL : Learn and Execute then Listen and adjust.
AL : It is really about practice and execution. If unsure, do some research then back to the drawing board again.
AL : I will be an educator, in fact I am now teaching as a Senior Part-Time Lecturer at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. It is the top 12th University in the world.
AL : Design is about improvement, improve a situation/product/environment/visual/usability etc.
AL : Determination. There is a lot of uncertainly at times. But one need to know the objective and have the determination to carry it through.
AL : I think I am always at a lonely path. I do not have a lot of physical friends or co-worker sharing the same interest as me. Jewelry industry in Singapore is a very small industry. Eg, I am the only Designer among the Craftmen, I am the only person understand and exploring 3D printing in the company. So I have to do a lot of online research and self-learning.
AL : Nowadays, online should be best. Be it as a group sharing, forum or competition. Present your work and be ready to receive critic.
AL : My next immediate project will be new Jewelry category that I have yet to explore. Eg, bangles, earcuff. Such not be too drama, just constant exploring and learning.
AL : I will like to give a new meaning to Jewelry. I will like to see Jewelry to be more fuse into the wearer. Like a tattoo. A wearable tattoo.
AL : Remove complication which will eventually reduce stress.
AL : With the raise of 3D technology, it give crafting, prototyping and manufacturing a new meaning. We are now able to achieve details and complexity way beyond traditional means. I hope this edge will push better design into greater heights.
AL : The actual concept and digital realization phase is pretty fast. Maybe 2-3 days. But I usually try to spread out so I can always have a fresher view/mind of the design. The technical sides is a bit more time consuming to check the thickness and such. So I will say total about 1 week.
AL : Push beyond the traditional of what you see. Inject new meaning and life to the product.
AL : The 3D technology I use allow me to set more details into my design then yesteryears.
AL : Google, zbrush, RhinoGold, Photoshop and 3D printer.
AL : Learn and Execute then Listen and adjust.
AL : Talking to customer, receive their feedback. I am selling my design online, customer can write their feedback. It always feels good if the customer appreciate your design.
AL : Not really, I am not an academic achiever. But I am a project and objective driven person, and I am pretty determine to achieve the above.
AL : I am a gamer, a fantasy art and movie lover. I love things that challenged the visual looks around us.
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