Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Alexey Chugunnikov ("AC") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
AC : In 1999 obtained Master degree in Saint-Petersburg Academy of Art and Design, Industrial Design Department. I still work in the field of industrial design.
AC : I was inspired by wordknown smart design solutions. To create something the same by myself.
AC : My childhood dream was to become an artist, then it led me to design. So it was my personal decision.
AC : now I work at design of TV stands and monitor brackets. But actually i am looking and thinking about design all around me. always find things to improve or do better
AC : look around, be in eternal search! There are so many problems that could be solved by design.
AC : The main difference is skill and experience. And they only come with time and practice.
AC : A design is successful when it is in demand and at the same time invisible in use. When a person interacts with an object intuitively, without any additional means.
AC : The value of good design is maximum comfort for everyone, from the consumer to the manufacturer.
AC : I would like to try myself in developing toys and accessories for children.
AC : I'm waiting for him!
AC : Every product that I create, I pass through myself, I put my soul into it
AC : Many designers are an example for me; their works make me work harder to get closer to their results.
AC : This is usually a minimalist design, it's close to me. I try to work in it myself.
AC : I have developed an item that makes it easier for people with poor eyesight to thread a needle.
AC : Be in constant search of sources of inspiration. Don't stand still, learn and develop.
AC : Perhaps I would be an artist
AC : As I see, design is a comprehensive and concise solution, where functionality, environmental friendliness, manufacturability, ergonomics and aesthetics are the most important elements. Design is a more comfortable world, where for a minimum of means in creation, a maximum in expressing the result.
AC : Thanks to my teachers from the design academy (S.V. Mirzoyan, S.G. Danilov, E.P. Ivanova, etc.) Thanks to them, I am who I am.
AC : It’s hard to call yourself great. This assessment should be given by the users of my design.
AC : I recommend to take part in various competitions, exhibitions and publications. Don’t be afraid of different opinions!
AC : Currently I work on accessories for TV and monitors. Stay tuned for new releases.
AC : Make the world the better place.
AC : Unexpected and smart decisions.
AC : Design that embodies comfort, technology, and beauty will help make society better.
AC : Nowadays we spend more and more time in front of screens and monitors. My task is to make this pastime comfortable and safe. For this purpose, I design aesthetic and practical things.
AC : I enjoy every project I complete. Each of them resonates with me in its own way.
AC : I would like to see new technologies that allow the use of new materials. And also allowing the close use of AI.
AC : Design and its development in the future will be aimed at solving the environmental problems of the planet, in particular, greater use of recycled materials, disposal of used products, recycling, development of new materials and products made from them that are not harmful to nature.
AC : Everything will depend on the complexity of the project. From several days, to several months, years...
AC : I start a project with preparatory work, analyzing the situation and identifying the problem.
AC : Minimum means, maximum expression.
AC : Of course, design sets trends)
AC : Technology plays a critical role in design and material selection.
AC : I use vector editors and 3D design programs in design.
AC : Color, materials, textures, as well as their combinations, are the main elements in design, and have a special role in product design.
AC : People may not ask me any questions, but simply say their opinion and this will be the most valuable thing for me.
AC : Wow, this is great! why it was not me who sugested this solution?!
AC : My best partner is my client who clearly knows what he wants and what he needs. Design is the answer to a clearly stated question.
AC : My teachers, great masters of world design.
AC : Most books I read are about marketing, cause I think that marketing is a significant part of modern design.
AC : observation and practice can do us better.
AC : I would like to meet D. Rams. The greatest designer!
AC : I don’t consider myself a famous person. Every new award is a proof to me that I am moving in the right direction in my design.
AC : I don't want to put myself in any restrictions. My preferences for color, food, place depend on my mood and other circumstances
AC : When work comes easily and naturally. A satisfying result is the best motivation.
AC : It was obvious that I would either become an artist or a musician. When I was a little child I didn't know about such a concept as “design”
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