Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Gaby el Ashkar ("GEA") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
GEA : I am a multilingual, multidisciplinary visual artist and an Interior Architect with a degree in Interior Architecture and decorative Arts from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, Lebanese University. I have over two decades of multidisciplinary professional experience spanning Interior and architectural design, visual arts, concept design, and 3D visualization.
GEA : It’s this need to explore and create, to sit down with a blank piece of paper, and a few pencil strokes later, a new concept sees the light, with description, character, and a name.
GEA : It was the natural expansion to my already existing artist facet; a more “framed” creativity.
GEA : It’s not about one design genre or type. If I’m designing on my own initiative and not for clients, I usually tackle what I question or what I’d like to explore more. If I had the choice, spaces aside, I’d do more car/industrial design.
GEA : I’m not very comfortable with that word, to be honest. I have a lot to achieve and a lot of innovations to compile over the next decades before feeling more at ease with such terms. That said, I can answer what they should do to progress and evolve. To that, I’d say be curious about other disciplines and skills, even if not directly involved within them. The skills and perception of both the world and their craft they can gain from these parallel disciplines can elevate their game and give them an edge in our field.
GEA : Persistence.
GEA : If it answers the questions I had on that first pencil stroke, and If I don’t have any questions when I revisit it.
GEA : Good designs are markers for society’s advancements, signatures of some sort, and platforms that transition from one period to another. Good design / Art is how we understand previous eras and how we define the next ones.
GEA : I would design self-sustaining compact residential units/clusters, built as monuments rather than shelters, for cities to help eradicate the increasing levels of homelessness.
GEA : I’m always dreaming, and I never have enough time.
GEA : A pinch of curiosity and a hint of persistence, bring to a boil, then simmer.
GEA : For me, it’s more about specific designs from diverse designers that inspire change and answer pending questions.
GEA : Designs that I find myself neither second-guessing the intention nor the development behind them, regardless of fame, name, or pedigree.
GEA : It’s always the one I’m currently working on.
GEA : Never believe what you know is enough.
GEA : I would have doubled down on my artist facet.
GEA : It is the art of imagining an alternative reality and inviting others to believe it as it becomes part of their own perception, thus turning “real”.
GEA : Weirdly enough, it was everyone that hinted I couldn’t do it, as much as it was everyone that believed I could.
GEA : Believing I could become better and finding satisfaction in that journey.
GEA : To be honest, most of the little wins were taken against all odds. And the list is too long to be divulged. What matters is that all hurdles were overcome.
GEA : Embedded with intention.
GEA : More dreaming. More doing.
GEA : To be part of the momentum pushing for positive change.
GEA : Not to compromise.
GEA : It inspires it and reshapes it by conviction.
GEA : Art Wise: a series of life-size sculptures is in progress addressing the different states of defense mechanisms against adversity. Design wise: a series of lighting elements should see the light soon (no pun).
GEA : Private residential projects and the interactions with every dweller as they identify with their dedicated space and instantly adopt it as home.
GEA : Less compromising on bold and genuine design for the benefit of benefits.
GEA : The design field is continuously evolving as it mirrors the tendencies and needs of an ever-changing society. The future of the field will closely follow the pragmatism and extravaganza of the society it interacts with. As long as designers are the ones designing, both the field and its society will bloom organically.
GEA : Every project is different, and every design genre is different. The time a project needs is the time I answer my own questions and make my case to showcase my answers in the best way possible.
GEA : Research, caffeine, sketchbook, and a 2B pencil. In that order.
GEA : Imagine. Create. Believe.
GEA : Designs set the trends, and trends set design frequency.
GEA : I limit the intervention of technology in the early stages, for I need my designs to be a reflection of my reflection. In the visualization and design drawings stage, I use all the technology I have access to communicate my design in the most complete and comprehensive of ways.
GEA : A mirrorless camera, an ultrawide monitor, a graphic tablet, a 3d printer, and a computer running AutoCAD, 3dsmax, V-ray, Adobe Creative Suite, MS Office, Rebelle, and a handful of experimental software to discover and widen the array of creative tools.
GEA : They are integral building blocks of the finished work, as letters are to words.
GEA : The intention behind it.
GEA : I need to read about how it came to be.
GEA : One that is well-versed in what I lack, knowledge-wise. Co-design can be fruitful and efficient if the partners are compatible and complementary, and it can be limiting when they are not. I have experienced both scenarios.
GEA : Everyone with significantly more experience than me, that at one moment or the other along the timeline of my design journey, stopped and shared a behind-the-scenes glimpse and wisdom.
GEA : Less design books, and more books addressing psychology and the human condition in general.
GEA : I’m ever-learning and curious by nature, and I like to push myself to explore every aspect of this field, as well as related fields, and enjoy harnessing this cross-disciplinary experience. I’m never satisfied with just what is required.
GEA : The alternate versions of “Me” that might had made different choices at past checkpoints on my timeline, and had branched out to other paths.
GEA : I wouldn’t say I’m famous, and fame is not something I seek. However, I would like for my work whether in design or art to be known and valued. I aim for the intention and reflection I put into my work to be recognized and not necessarily the face behind it.
GEA : Black, my corner in my favorite coffee shop, pain-perdu, autumn, clay, and “inkrypted”.
GEA : More than 2 decades of professional experience later, I’ve had memorable moments with collaborators and clients alike. If I want to mention one instance, I’d tell you about when clients insisted we create a duplicate of their reception space, only for it to be Christmas-themed with fixed built-in lights and decorations they’d for use instead of their main reception only during December and to lock for the rest of the year. They just didn’t want to bother with decorating & dismantling once every year. The room was dubbed “Lapland”.
GEA : Any sunset that sees the design maturing and evolving more than it had been at sunrise is a good day.
GEA : The curiosity was always there, and so was the tendency to fix and upgrade all that was broken. However, art was the frontrunner in that child’s imagination.
GEA : One can hope the world will be a better place and this species will be more considerate and more mature; that’s hope and not a prediction. Any person, entity, or analysis that claims otherwise is delusional. One can only hope.
GEA : I will communicate all I want to say through my creations, as an artist and as a designer. I’m more fluent that way.
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