Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Gungor Guner ("GG") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
GG : 1958-62 she studied ceramics in the State Collage of Applied Arts. Upon graduation she went to Germany with the Ministry of Education Scholarship to study Ceramics and ceramics engineering.
GG : I'm a ceramist who left behind fifty years. The formation of ceramics already includes the design phenomenon too.
GG : As I was a ceramist, I was automatically within the design phenomenon.
GG : Mostly Tableware and two and three dimensional another objects too.
GG : They should training in different craft and production centers like glass, wood, ceramic…
GG : To be a good designer can everybody; to be a great designer one must have art and sciences skill too.
GG : A good design must to have a function, aesthetic and quality.
GG : A good design sells better.
GG : I don’t know
GG : I was taking part last year whit a group vases by A’Design Award Competitıon but without success! Used material was plastic (I dislike plastic) This year I aimed these to do by glass ( it is very difficult)
GG : Aesthetic and function of course possibility for production.
GG : Kay Frank from Finland
GG : First fall I love glass! Kay Frank did glass
GG : My Turkish coffee cup design which has been awarded by A’Design Gold Award is at the same time very functional and it has got a good expression which I am satisfied about it: The cloud relief is expressing the Ottoman’s culture and the geometric handle form is expressing the Seljuk’s culture. The cylinder form symbolizes the Republic which is carrying the both culture in to today.
GG : I am asking for myself if I made a design object:” Would you like to buy yours object to use in your home ? “Be sure I am using my own design objects in my home.
GG : I don’t know.
GG : Aesthetic and function, of course possibility for production.
GG : The years behind me as student and as lecturer with different experience in and out of my country
GG : The years behind me as student and as lecturer with different experience in and out of my country
GG : The obstacles always exist before and still! First you have to convince the manufacturer. At last the user must to like your design. The masses may not like what you like.
GG : The designers are mostly not a good seller! Therefore they need a professional marketing institution like your company.
GG : I was taking part last year with a group vases by A’Design Award Competitıon but without success! Used material was plastic because of its transparenty (actualy I dislike plastic, that was a wrong chosen) This year I am aiming these to do again by glass (But it is very difficult)
GG : Aesthetic and function.
GG : I am not able to know that.
GG : I've witnessed that after sanitary industry could deliver rather cheap sanitary ware it was a big positive development in our country.
GG : I was taking part last year with a group vases by A’Design Award Competitıon but without success! Used material was plastic because of its transparency (actually I dislike plastic, that was a wrong chosen) This year I am aiming these to do again by glass (But it is very difficult) Origin of these vases were ceramic but I am aiming to see these vases in transparency form.
GG : My Turkish coffee cup design which has been awarded by A’Design Gold Award is at the same time very functional and it has got a good expression which I am satisfied about it: The cloud relief is expressing the Ottoman’s culture and the geometric handle form is expressing the Seljuk’s culture . The cylinder form symbolizes the Republic which is carrying the both culture in to today. Besides it had got the A’Design Gold Award.
GG : I don’t know .
GG : I don’t know.
GG : It depend up to design, but it takes with me mostly long time.
GG : In my own ceramics atelier.
GG : To go on to design for myself as long as possible.
GG : I am agree with the opinion “designs sets the trends but the trends sets the designs too”.
GG : The role of technology is one of the most important elements to designing .
GG : As I am a ceramist I am using mostly my already atelier. Of course when I need sometimes the books, computer, CNC, glass other silk screen atelier I used too.
GG : I think the customers should have an opportunity to choose the same design in different color. in conclusion we are designing for our customers.
GG : Of course they can ask something but I will be very happy if they like it .
GG : Of course I am appreciating always the new great designs in case I really liked it.
GG : Of course we needs often the help of some engineer or master but I do not believe Co-design.
GG : I can't remember any people until now.
GG : I can’t remember! There are so many years behind me .
GG : The years behind me as student and as lecturer with different experience in and out of my country.
GG : With student .
GG : Sorry but I am not famous !
GG : Red, Istanbul/TR., Yoghurt soup, Autumn, Hot shower, A’Design Award .
GG : In our childhood I and my brother we were building always a kiln if we found three stone it was enough for our kiln! He is a ceramist too.
GG : As I was a ceramist, I was automatically within the design phenomenon. More than 50 years! We are very close to design as a ceramicist. We are always within motivations
GG : In our childhood there was no word for designer yet!
GG : The geologists don’t talk us any good stories about the future! What can I say ?
GG : The geologists don’t talk us any good stories about the future! What can I say ?
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