Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Bilan Liu ("BL") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.

DL: Could you please tell us a bit about your design background and education?

BL : I have a strong design background with a diverse educational foundation. I graduated from California College of the Arts with a Master of Fine Arts, specializing in Interaction Design. This program equipped me with a deep understanding of user-centered design principles and the ability to create intuitive and engaging digital experiences. Before pursuing my master’s, I earned my undergraduate degree in Industrial Design, which provided me with a solid foundation in designing physical products that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. This multidisciplinary background allows me to approach design challenges from various angles, blending physical and digital design elements seamlessly. Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work with several notable companies, including Tencent, Yahoo, and Fisker. These experiences have allowed me to hone my skills across different design disciplines and gain valuable insights into the industry. My work spans various domains, from visual and interaction design to product design, enabling me to create holistic and impactful design solutions. My passion for photography has also influenced my design approach, allowing me to incorporate elements of composition, light, and storytelling into my work. Overall, my diverse background and education have shaped me into a versatile and adaptive designer, always eager to explore new challenges and make a meaningful impact through my designs.

DL: What motivates you to design in general, why did you become a designer?

BL : Design, for me, is a powerful means of communication and problem-solving, and this is what fundamentally motivates me. From a young age, I was drawn to creative expression, constantly sketching and bringing my ideas to life. This passion for creativity naturally led me to the world of design, where I discovered the potential to create meaningful and impactful solutions. What truly drives me as a designer is the ability to improve people’s lives through thoughtful and user-centered designs. The opportunity to blend aesthetics with functionality and to solve real-world problems is incredibly fulfilling. I am inspired by the challenge of creating designs that not only look beautiful but also enhance user experiences and address their needs. The desire to make a positive impact on society and the environment further fuels my motivation. Designing sustainable and eco-friendly solutions aligns with my values and allows me to contribute to a better, more responsible world. Additionally, the ever-evolving nature of design, with its continuous learning and innovation, keeps me excited and engaged. Becoming a designer was a natural progression for me, combining my love for creativity, problem-solving, and the desire to make a difference. It’s a career that allows me to express my passion while continually challenging myself to grow and evolve.

DL: Did you choose to become a designer, or you were forced to become one?

BL : I definitely chose to become a designer. From a young age, I was always sketching and coming up with creative ideas, so it just felt natural to pursue a career in design. It’s something I’m really passionate about and love doing. Nobody forced me into it; it was more like my interests and hobbies naturally led me down this path. It’s been an exciting journey, and I can’t imagine doing anything else!

DL: What do you design, what type of designs do you wish to design more of?

BL : I design a wide range of projects, including visual identities, packaging, digital interfaces, and product designs. My work spans across various fields like industrial design, interaction design, and visual design, allowing me to create holistic and impactful solutions. What I wish to design more of are projects that have a positive impact on society and the environment. I’m particularly interested in sustainable design and creating user-centered solutions that enhance everyday life. Whether it’s designing eco-friendly packaging or innovative digital experiences, I’m passionate about projects that make a difference and contribute to a better, more sustainable world.

DL: What should young designers do to become a design legend like you?

BL : I wouldn’t call myself a legend, but I’m honored by the thought! I’m still following my design legends like Dieter Rams, Paula Scher, and Kenya Hara. These designers have profoundly influenced my work and philosophy. Dieter Rams, with his principles of simplicity and functionality, taught me the importance of creating designs that are both beautiful and practical. Paula Scher’s bold and innovative approach to graphic design inspires me to push creative boundaries and think outside the box. Kenya Hara’s focus on the beauty of everyday objects and the subtlety of Japanese design deeply resonates with my appreciation for minimalism and thoughtful design. For young designers, my best advice is to stay curious and keep going, no matter the challenges. Keep learning, seek out feedback, and always look for ways to improve. Connect with other designers, find mentors, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Surround yourself with inspiring work and let it fuel your passion. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Stay passionate and keep pushing your boundaries!

DL: What distinguishes between a good designer and a great designer?

BL : A good designer focuses on creating solutions that have an immediate and short-term impact, effectively addressing current needs and challenges. In contrast, a great designer thinks about the entire system and the long-term implications of their work. They consider how their designs will evolve over time, interact with other elements, and influence the broader environment and society. For example, Kenya Hara is a great designer in my mind. His work goes beyond aesthetics and functionality to encompass a deeper understanding of the cultural and environmental context. Hara’s designs reflect a profound respect for tradition, simplicity, and sustainability, aiming to create a lasting positive impact. His ability to weave these elements into his work sets him apart and inspires me to strive towards becoming a designer of similar caliber. While I am continuously learning and growing in my design journey, I aspire to reach the level of designers like Kenya Hara. By keeping a holistic perspective and focusing on the long-term effects of my designs, I aim to create meaningful and enduring solutions that benefit both users and the broader community.

DL: What makes a good design a really good design, how do you evaluate good design?

BL : A really good design not only solves a problem but also delights users with its ease of use, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. I evaluate good design by checking if it’s user-centered and intuitive, works effectively, looks visually pleasing, and uses sustainable materials. It should also bring something new or unique and maintain consistency across all elements. For example, the iPhone is a great design because it’s user-friendly, functional, visually appealing, innovative, and made with sustainability in mind. When a design meets all these criteria, it truly stands out.

DL: What is the value of good design? Why should everyone invest in good design?

BL : Good design is invaluable because it shapes our behaviors and impacts how we live. We live in a world surrounded by design, from the products we use to the spaces we inhabit. Good design enhances functionality, improves user experience, and brings aesthetic pleasure. It can make everyday tasks easier, more enjoyable, and more efficient. Investing in good design means investing in better outcomes, happier users, and a more sustainable future. It’s about creating solutions that not only meet needs but also elevate our quality of life.

DL: What would you design and who would you design for if you had the time?

BL : I enjoy working on projects that have a positive impact on people’s lives and society as a whole. Specifically, I love designing user-centered, sustainable solutions that blend aesthetics with functionality. Projects that allow me to innovate and incorporate eco-friendly practices are particularly fulfilling because they align with my values and commitment to responsible design. Additionally, I enjoy the challenge of creating designs that tell a story and evoke emotions, making them not only useful but also meaningful.

DL: What is the dream project you haven’t yet had time to realize?

BL : Wow, that’s a great question. My dream project would be to collaborate with great designers and learn from their thinking process to make a bigger impact on the world. It’s not that small projects aren’t exciting, but there’s something amazing about working on a larger scale where more people can see and appreciate your work. I envision working on a project that addresses significant societal or environmental issues, bringing together a diverse team of designers with multidisciplinary backgrounds. I believe that combining different perspectives and skills can lead to innovative solutions that wouldn’t be possible otherwise. Seeing how others apply their unique expertise to a project would not only be a learning experience but also incredibly inspiring. Imagine a project that promotes sustainability on a global scale, perhaps developing eco-friendly products or creating public awareness campaigns that encourage responsible consumption. Having the opportunity to collaborate with other designers on such a project would be fulfilling because it aligns with my commitment to making a positive impact. Ultimately, the core of my dream project is to work together with other talented designers to create something truly impactful and far-reaching. It’s about making a difference and leaving a lasting legacy through design.

DL: What is your secret recipe of success in design, what is your secret ingredient?

BL : My secret recipe for success in design is a mix of curiosity, empathy, and always being eager to learn. But if I had to pick one secret ingredient, it would be putting the user at the center of everything I do. I love exploring new ideas and trends, which keeps my work fresh and exciting. Empathy helps me really get what users need and want, making sure my designs are not just useful but also meaningful. And I’m always learning new things to stay adaptable and ready for new challenges. By focusing on the user experience, I can create designs that truly resonate and solve problems effectively. This user-first approach, along with my passion for design and commitment to growth, is what I believe drives my success.

DL: Who are some other design masters and legends you get inspired from?

BL : I draw inspiration from several design masters and legends across various fields. Kenya Hara is a major influence with his focus on the beauty of everyday objects and the subtlety of Japanese design. His work teaches me the importance of simplicity and thoughtful design. Toshiyuki Inoko, founder of teamLab, inspires me with his interdisciplinary approach that blends art, technology, and design to create immersive digital experiences. His innovative use of technology to transform spaces and perceptions is truly groundbreaking. Dieter Rams has profoundly shaped my design philosophy with his principles of simplicity and functionality, emphasizing the importance of creating timeless, user-centered designs. Refik Anadol’s work in media arts and data visualization opens up new possibilities for me, showing how design can intersect with advanced technology to create dynamic, data-driven installations that captivate and inform. I view design as a multidisciplinary field, not limited to visual design alone. These designers, each from different areas, demonstrate how diverse perspectives and expertise can lead to innovative and impactful work. Their ability to push the boundaries of their respective fields inspires me to explore new ideas and integrate various elements into my own projects.

DL: What are your favorite designs by other designers, why do you like them?

BL : One of my favorite designs by another designer is Refik Anadol’s “Melting Memories” installation. This project stands out because it uses sustainable practices by employing energy-efficient LED technology and promotes digital art as a low-impact alternative to traditional physical art forms. I admire how Anadol harnesses cutting-edge technology sustainably to create compelling visual experiences that are both innovative and environmentally conscious. His work inspires me to think about how I can incorporate sustainable practices into my own projects, creating designs that are not only captivating and beautiful but also responsible and forward-thinking.

DL: What is your greatest design, which aspects of that design makes you think it is great?

BL : One of my greatest designs is the visual identity and packaging for BrightSideGoods. This project stands out because it seamlessly integrates sustainability by using recycled materials, functionality with user-friendly packaging, and aesthetic appeal through clean, modern design with natural tones. Additionally, the design tells a compelling story about the brand’s eco-friendly values, using elements like seed paper thank-you notes to foster a connection with nature. This balance of sustainability, functionality, aesthetics, and storytelling makes the BrightSideGoods project a perfect example of impactful and meaningful design.

DL: How could people improve themselves to be better designers, what did you do?

BL : To become a better designer, it’s all about continuous learning and staying curious. Here’s what I did: 1. Keep Learning: I always try to stay updated with the latest design trends, tools, and technologies. Taking online courses, attending workshops, and reading design books and articles helps a lot. 2. Get Feedback : I regularly seek feedback from peers, mentors, and clients. Constructive criticism is super valuable and helps me see things from different perspectives. 3. Network and Find Mentors: Connecting with other designers and finding mentors has been amazing. Platforms like ADPList are great for this – you get to learn from experienced professionals and gain new insights.

DL: If you hadn’t become a designer, what would you have done?

BL : That’s a tough question because it’s hard to imagine doing anything other than being a designer. But if I hadn’t become a designer, maybe I’d try to become an actor. Both roles require a lot of empathy and life experience. They involve putting yourself in different shoes and having the ability to appreciate and convey the beauty of art. As a designer, I connect with users and tell stories through my designs, creating meaningful experiences. Acting is similar in that it’s all about storytelling, connecting with an audience, and bringing characters to life. Both careers allow you to explore different perspectives and express creativity in unique ways. Plus, I think the skills I’ve developed as a designer, like attention to detail and understanding human emotions, would be really helpful in acting too!

DL: How do you define design, what is design for you?

BL : Design is everything around us. When you look around, you’ll notice that almost everything has been designed with intention and purpose. For me, design is the process of figuring out how we can live better and solve problems creatively. It’s about making things functional, beautiful, and user-friendly. Design isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about enhancing usability, efficiency, and the overall experience. Design plays a crucial role in improving our everyday lives. Whether it’s the layout of a website, the ergonomics of a chair, or the packaging of a product, good design makes a significant difference. It involves understanding the needs and behaviors of people and creating solutions that address those needs in innovative ways. For me, design is also about storytelling and connecting with people on an emotional level. It’s about creating products, experiences, and environments that evoke feelings and make life more enjoyable and meaningful. In essence, design is a way of thinking and a way of life, constantly seeking to improve, innovate, and make a positive impact on the world around us.

DL: Who helped you to reach these heights, who was your biggest supporter?

BL : There are so many individuals and groups I’d love to acknowledge for helping me reach these heights. First off, I must give a huge shoutout to my past collaborative peers at Yahoo, Fisker, and Tencent. Working alongside such talented designers has been nothing short of inspirational. The dynamic we shared, and the way we integrated diverse perspectives into our projects, has significantly enriched my professional journey. The seamless collaboration and creative synergy in these teams have been a major driving force in my career. I also want to express my deepest gratitude to my mentors, including Yuna Yang and Chris Hu. Their guidance and support have been invaluable. I remember our enlightening conversations, especially during challenging times, which were instrumental in shaping my professional and personal growth. Their advice, feedback, and encouragement provided the foundation I needed to keep pushing forward. These experiences underline why I’m so passionate about giving back to the community. I aim to mentor emerging talents in the design industry, helping them navigate their career paths and expand their understanding of the field. By sharing the knowledge and support I’ve received, I hope to inspire the next generation of designers to achieve their own heights.

DL: What helped you to become a great designer?

BL : What helped me become a great designer was my deep emotional connection to design. When I see great design works, I get moved. I kept thinking about their design process and how I could create designs like them. Essentially, these great masters of design helped me understand the impact of good design. Their works inspired me to continually strive for excellence. I studied their techniques, philosophies, and approaches, trying to incorporate those lessons into my own work. This constant quest for improvement, fueled by a genuine passion for design, has been instrumental in my growth. Additionally, surrounding myself with talented peers and mentors who provided valuable feedback and support also played a significant role in shaping my journey as a designer.

DL: What were the obstacles you faced before becoming a design master?

BL : Before becoming a design master, I faced several obstacles, with the biggest challenge being balancing creativity and constraints. Learning to merge innovative ideas with practical limitations like budgets, timelines, and client expectations was a significant hurdle. This required me to continually adapt and find that sweet spot where creativity could flourish within realistic boundaries. Additionally, overcoming self-doubt, keeping up with trends, finding my unique style, networking, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance were all part of the journey. These experiences collectively helped me grow, teaching me resilience, adaptability, and the importance of blending artistic vision with practical execution.

DL: How do you think designers should present their work?

BL : Designers should present their work by telling a clear and engaging story. Start with the problem you were solving, show your design process with sketches and prototypes, and highlight the key features of your final design. Use high-quality visuals and keep things concise. Be sure to show your unique style and encourage questions to engage your audience. By making your presentation clear and interactive, you can effectively communicate your ideas and creativity.

DL: What’s your next design project, what should we expect from you in future?

BL : My next design project focuses on creating user-centered, sustainable solutions that make a positive impact. I’m working on an eco-friendly product line that combines innovative materials with elegant design. You can expect designs that not only look great but also promote sustainability and enhance everyday life. I’m excited to explore new technologies and continue pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in design. Stay tuned for innovative, thoughtful, and impactful creations!

DL: What’s your ultimate goal as a designer?

BL : My ultimate goal as a designer is to create powerful work that positively impacts people’s lives. I strive to design solutions that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and meaningful. Whether it’s through sustainable practices, innovative technologies, or user-centered designs, I aim to make a difference and contribute to a better, more thoughtful world.

DL: What people expect from an esteemed designer such as yourself?

BL : I wouldn’t call myself esteemed, as I’m constantly inspired by the great designers around me and always in the process of learning and growing. However, people can expect dedication to creating thoughtful, user-centered designs that blend functionality with aesthetics. They can also expect a commitment to sustainability and innovation, as I strive to make a positive impact through my work. Most importantly, I’m always open to collaboration and feedback, which I believe are essential for continual improvement and creativity.

DL: How does design help create a better society?

BL : Design helps create a better society by addressing real-world problems and improving the quality of life. Good design doesn’t always aim to solve problems; it also evokes people’s thinking. As the world is complicated and every group of people has their own perspective and thinking, design can lead us to rethink who we are and why we are here. An example of a good design that helps create a better society is the Solar-Powered Water Purifier. This design addresses the critical issue of clean water access in remote and underserved areas. By using solar energy, it provides a sustainable and affordable solution, improving health and quality of life for communities while also promoting environmental responsibility.

DL: What are you currently working on that you are especially excited about?

BL : I’m currently working on projects related to home appliances and how we interact with them through IoT and current technology. This is particularly exciting for me because it involves designing solutions that directly impact people’s daily lives and lifestyles. By integrating advanced technology with user-centered design, I’m aiming to create more intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable experiences with everyday appliances. It’s thrilling to be at the forefront of innovations that can significantly enhance the way we live and interact with our home environments.

DL: Which design projects gave you the most satisfaction, why?

BL : The Erbal project is one that recently gave me immense satisfaction. Working on this project allowed me to combine my passion for sustainable design with creating a meaningful brand experience. Designing Erbal’s visual identity and packaging involved using eco-friendly materials and focusing on aesthetics that resonate with the brand’s commitment to wellness and sustainability. Seeing the positive feedback from users and knowing that the design not only looks great but also promotes a healthier, more environmentally-conscious lifestyle was incredibly rewarding. It was fulfilling to contribute to a project that aligns so closely with my values and makes a positive impact on both the users and the environment.

DL: What would you like to see changed in design industry in the coming years?

BL : In the coming years, I would like to see the design industry place even greater emphasis on sustainability and emotional impact. I believe design has the power to remind people of their ability to make a positive impact on the Earth. I hope to see more designs that not only address practical needs but also move people deeply, evoking strong emotional connections and promoting mindful, eco-friendly lifestyles. By prioritizing sustainable practices and creating meaningful, thought-provoking designs, we can inspire positive change and contribute to a better, more conscious world.

DL: Where do you think the design field is headed next?

BL : I believe the design field is headed towards a future where sustainability is paramount. Designers will increasingly prioritize creating eco-friendly solutions, using sustainable materials, and promoting practices that reduce environmental impact. This shift is driven by the urgent need to address environmental challenges and the growing consumer demand for responsible products. By integrating sustainability into every aspect of design, from product development to packaging and digital experiences, we can make a significant positive impact on the planet and inspire others to adopt more environmentally-conscious lifestyles.

DL: How long does it take you to finalize a design project?

BL : It really depends on the scope of the project. Smaller projects can take a few weeks, while larger, more complex projects might take several months to finalize. Factors like research, iteration, client feedback, and the level of detail required all play a role in determining the timeline. Each project is unique, so the duration can vary widely based on its specific requirements and goals.

DL: When you have a new design project, where do you start?

BL : When I start a new design project, I usually begin by asking multiple questions to understand the goals, needs, and context. If the design is for my clients, like when I worked on BrightSideGoods, I delve into understanding their vision, target audience, and any specific requirements they have. This helps ensure that the design aligns perfectly with their expectations and objectives. If it’s a project for myself, I start with a journal. I find that thinking about the storytelling aspect of the project is crucial. Writing down my thoughts, ideas, and the story I want to convey helps me shape the design in a way that is meaningful and cohesive. This initial phase of exploration and questioning lays the foundation for a successful and impactful design.

DL: What is your life motto as a designer?

BL : My life motto as a designer is to never stop receiving feedback and using it to grow. Feedback can sometimes be negative, as your design won’t always fit the intention perfectly, but it’s an invaluable part of the creative process. Every piece of feedback offers a new perspective, highlighting areas for improvement that you might not have seen. This mindset helps in refining your skills and ensuring your designs are user-centered and effective. Every project, regardless of its outcome, is a path to growth. It’s an opportunity to think critically about your work, to understand what worked and what didn’t, and to apply those lessons to future projects. Embracing feedback, learning from it, and continuously improving are key to evolving as a designer. This approach not only enhances your technical skills but also fosters resilience and adaptability, which are crucial in the ever-changing field of design. By viewing each project as a learning experience, you can stay motivated and committed to creating impactful, meaningful designs.

DL: Do you think design sets the trends or trends set the designs?

BL : I believe it’s a bit of both—design sets the trends, and trends set the designs. Designers often push boundaries and introduce innovative ideas that become trends, but they also draw inspiration from existing trends to stay relevant. For example, the minimalist design trend was popularized by influential designers like Dieter Rams, whose principles of simplicity and functionality shaped modern aesthetics. His work with Braun set a trend that has influenced countless designs, from consumer electronics to web interfaces. On the other hand, trends like sustainability have emerged from broader societal shifts towards environmental consciousness. Designers now incorporate eco-friendly materials and processes in response to this trend, creating products that align with the growing demand for sustainable living. So, while designers can lead and set new trends, they also adapt to existing ones, creating a dynamic and ever-evolving relationship between design and trends.

DL: What is the role of technology when you design?

BL : Technology plays a crucial role in my design process, and I’m a fan of trying out new technologies to enhance my work. For example, I’m currently researching how VR and AR tools can help designers create more immersive and interactive projects. These technologies allow us to visualize designs in a 3D space, providing a better understanding of scale, proportion, and user interaction. Moreover, technology streamlines the design process by offering advanced software and tools for sketching, prototyping, and collaboration. Tools like Adobe Creative Suite, Figma, and 3D modeling software enable us to bring ideas to life more efficiently and accurately. Technology also facilitates better communication with clients and team members through real-time feedback and virtual presentations.

DL: What kind of design software and equipment do you use in your work?

BL : During my design process, I rely heavily on a few key tools and resources. Adobe Creative Suite and Figma are my main working tools, providing a versatile platform for everything from graphic design to prototyping. For inspiration and keeping up with design trends, I frequently check out Behance, where I can view the work of great designers from around the world. One of my favorite design books is “The Design of Everyday Things” by Don Norman. It was the first design book I read, and it remains my design bible, constantly reminding me of the importance of user-centered design. This book has profoundly influenced my approach and philosophy towards design. In my toolbox, you’ll also find a good set of sketchbooks and pens for jotting down ideas and initial concepts. Additionally, I use a high-resolution monitor and a graphics tablet to ensure precision and clarity in my work. Overall, these tools and resources help me stay creative, efficient, and in tune with the latest developments in the design world.

DL: What is the role of the color, materials and ambient in design?

BL : Color, materials, and ambient play a huge role in design. Color sets the mood and grabs attention, materials impact the feel and functionality, and the ambient environment influences the overall experience. For example, in my Erbal project, we used natural, earthy tones to evoke a sense of wellness and sustainability. The packaging materials were eco-friendly, reinforcing the brand’s commitment to the environment. The ambient design, including subtle textures and calming visuals, created a holistic and immersive experience for the users. Together, these elements created a cohesive and engaging design that resonated with users and enhanced their interaction with the product.

DL: What do you wish people to ask about your design?

BL : I wish people would ask more about the story behind my designs. Understanding the thought process, inspiration, and challenges faced during the design journey can provide deeper insights into the final product. For example, asking how the Erbal project’s natural, earthy tones and eco-friendly materials were chosen and what specific user needs they address would be great. These types of questions open up meaningful conversations about the design’s impact, intention, and the problem-solving approach behind it.

DL: When you see a new great design or product what comes into your mind?

BL : When I see a new great design or product, I’m immediately curious about the background of the designer. I want to understand why they made specific design choices, what tools and techniques they used, and what inspired their work. Knowing the story behind the design can provide valuable insights into their creative process and the challenges they overcame. I also think about the emotions the design evokes. Great designs have the power to connect with people on an emotional level, making them feel something special. For me, being able to evoke emotions and create meaningful interactions through my designs is a key goal. It’s fascinating to see how other designers achieve this, whether it’s through color, materials, form, or the overall user experience. I also consider the functionality and usability of the design. How well does it solve the problem it was intended to address? What innovative features does it have? These questions help me learn from other designs and inspire me to incorporate similar principles into my own work. Overall, seeing a new great design or product excites me and motivates me to continue pushing the boundaries of my creativity. It reminds me of the endless possibilities in design and the impact thoughtful, well-executed work can have on people’s lives.

DL: Who is your ideal design partner? Do you believe in co-design?

BL : My ideal design partner would be someone who shares a passion for creating impactful and innovative solutions, especially those that address significant societal or environmental issues. I believe in co-design wholeheartedly. Collaborating with great designers allows me to learn from their thinking processes and combine different perspectives and skills, leading to solutions that wouldn’t be possible otherwise. Imagine working on a project that promotes sustainability on a global scale, such as developing eco-friendly products or creating public awareness campaigns that encourage responsible consumption. Bringing together a diverse team of designers with multidisciplinary backgrounds can lead to innovative and comprehensive solutions. Seeing how others apply their unique expertise to a project is not only a valuable learning experience but also incredibly inspiring. Ultimately, the core of my dream project is to work together with other talented designers to create something truly impactful and far-reaching. It’s about making a difference, leaving a lasting legacy through design, and showing that when we collaborate, we can achieve remarkable things that positively affect the world.

DL: Which people you interacted had the most influence on your design?

BL : The people who have had the most influence on my design are those I’ve collaborated with at companies like Yahoo, Fisker, and Tencent, as well as my mentors, Yuna Yang and Chris Hu. Working alongside talented designers at these companies exposed me to diverse perspectives and innovative approaches, significantly enriching my professional journey. The creative synergy and dynamic collaboration in these teams helped shape my design thinking and skills. My mentors, Yuna Yang and Chris Hu, provided invaluable guidance and support. Their feedback, advice, and the enlightening conversations we had, especially during challenging times, were instrumental in shaping my professional and personal growth. They helped me navigate complex design challenges and encouraged me to push the boundaries of my creativity. These experiences underscore the importance of collaboration and mentorship in my career. They have not only influenced my design approach but also inspired me to give back to the community by mentoring emerging talents in the design industry.

DL: Which books you read had the most effect on your design?

BL : “The Design of Everyday Things” by Don Norman: This book was my first introduction to user-centered design and it profoundly changed the way I approach my work. It taught me the importance of designing with the user’s needs and behaviors in mind, emphasizing that the primary goal of design should be to make everyday tasks easier and more intuitive. Norman’s insights into how people interact with objects and the common pitfalls of poor design were eye-opening. This book is like my design bible, constantly reminding me to prioritize functionality and user experience over aesthetics alone. It reinforced the idea that a good design is not just about how something looks, but how it works and fits seamlessly into the user’s life.

DL: How did you develop your skills as a master designer?

BL : I developed my skills as a master designer by using every project as an opportunity to grow, challenge myself, and even fail. Each project, regardless of its outcome, taught me valuable lessons and helped refine my skills. Taking feedback seriously was crucial for my growth; it allowed me to see different perspectives and continuously improve my work. In the meantime, I made it a habit to observe more and think outside the box with fresh eyes. This practice often provided unexpected inspirations and new ideas. By combining these learnings with a commitment to continuous improvement and curiosity, I was able to hone my design skills and evolve as a designer.

DL: Irrelative of time and space, who you would want to meet, talk and discuss with?

BL : If I could meet and discuss with anyone, it would be Ray Eames. She made a tremendous impact on the design industry alongside her husband, Charles Eames. Ray was a pioneering woman in design, known for her innovative and timeless contributions to furniture design, architecture, and industrial design. I would love to talk to her about her creative process, how she approached collaboration, and the challenges she faced as a woman in a predominantly male industry. Her ability to blend aesthetics with functionality and her visionary ideas continue to inspire designers today. Discussing design philosophy, inspirations, and her experiences would be incredibly enlightening and inspiring.

DL: How do you feel about all the awards and recognition you had, is it hard to be famous?

BL : I feel incredibly honored and appreciative of the awards and recognition I’ve received. Being awarded definitely encourages me as a designer, validating my hard work and creativity. It also motivates me to keep pushing forward and strive for excellence. Additionally, it has given me the opportunity to connect with more great designers around the world, fostering inspiration and collaboration.

DL: What is your favorite color, place, food, season, thing and brand?

BL : My favorite color is sky blue; it reminds me of clear, peaceful days. My favorite place is anywhere that allows me to feel close to nature and find inspiration. When it comes to food, I love durian – its unique flavor and creamy texture are just amazing. Summer is my favorite season because I enjoy the warmth and the long, sunny days. One of my favorite things to do is walk alone in the garden, where I can relax, reflect, and find inspiration. I also love doing design concepts while listening to my favorite R&B songs, and David Tao is my favorite singer. As for brands, I admire many, but I particularly appreciate those that prioritize sustainability and thoughtful design.

DL: Please tell us a little memoir, a funny thing you had experienced as a designer?

BL : One funny experience I had as a designer was during a project meeting with a client. We were discussing a new logo design, and I had prepared a few drafts. I was really excited about one particular concept and started explaining the thought process behind it. As I was speaking, I noticed the client looking increasingly confused. After my detailed explanation, the client finally spoke up and said, “I think the logo is great, but why does the cat have sunglasses?” I was baffled because there was no cat in any of my designs. We all turned to the screen, and it turned out I had accidentally shared a doodle I made for fun, which had a cool cat wearing sunglasses, instead of the actual logo designs. We all had a good laugh, and it became a running joke for the rest of the project. It reminded me of the importance of checking my files before sharing and how a little humor can go a long way in building a good rapport with clients.

DL: What makes your day great as a designer, how do you motivate yourself?

BL : An ideal day as a visual designer starts with a cup of hot tea and a design podcast. Lately, I’ve been really into the “Design Better” podcast. It’s a great way to refresh my mind in the morning and get inspired by hearing about what designers in various fields are working on and picking up tips that spark creativity. After that, I dive into my design work, fully focused and immersed in the creative process. When I need a break, I like to step outside and enjoy some fresh air, taking in the beauty of the plants around me. It’s a great way to recharge and come back to my work with a clear mind and renewed energy.

DL: When you were a little child, was it obvious that you would become a great designer?

BL : As a child, I was constantly sketching, bringing my imaginative ideas to life in my sketchbooks. This creative outlet was my playground, a place where my ideas could roam free. High school drawing classes further opened my eyes to the potential of turning these creative inclinations into a career. Initially drawn to industrial design for its blend of aesthetics and functionality, I soon discovered that my true passion lay in communication through visuals. Looking back, it seems almost inevitable that I would become a designer, as my early passion for sketching and visual storytelling laid the foundation for my future career.

DL: What do you think about future; what do you see will happen in thousand years from now?

BL : Thinking about the future a thousand years from now is both fascinating and daunting. Drawing inspiration from visionary designers like Buckminster Fuller and Norman Foster, I believe the future will be marked by incredible advancements in technology and sustainability. Fuller’s concept of “doing more with less” and Foster’s emphasis on sustainable architecture suggest a world where we live in harmony with our environment, using resources efficiently and innovatively. In a thousand years, I envision cities that are fully integrated with nature, where buildings generate their own energy and materials are recycled seamlessly. Technology will likely be even more intertwined with daily life, with AI and robotics playing significant roles in enhancing human capabilities and addressing global challenges. Design will continue to evolve, focusing on creating meaningful, user-centered experiences that prioritize well-being and sustainability. Ultimately, I see a future where design helps bridge the gap between human needs and environmental stewardship, leading to a more balanced and harmonious existence.

DL: Please tell us anything you wish your fans to know about you, your design and anything else?

BL : I’m passionate about creating designs that make a positive impact on people’s lives and the environment. I believe in the power of user-centered design and sustainability to drive innovation and meaningful change. Whether it’s through eco-friendly packaging or immersive digital experiences, my goal is always to blend aesthetics with functionality. I love connecting with fellow designers, clients, and anyone interested in design. You can contact me via LinkedIn by sending me a message for further collaboration, connections, or just to chat about experiences. Feel free to reach out at [my LinkedIn profile](https://www.linkedin.com/in/hellobilan/). I’m always excited to share ideas, learn from others, and explore new opportunities together.



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Bright Side Goods Corporate Identity by Bilan Liu

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Design Legends website was created by DesignPRWire and A' Design Award to promote truly great designers, outstanding architects and inspirational artists that contribute to the development and advancement of society with their outstanding works.