Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Seiji Takahashi ("ST") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
ST : My parents are high school teachers. When I was a high school student, I got interested in architecture when I rebuilt my parents' house, and studied architecture at university. After graduating, he studied under architect MITURU KIRYU and gained experience.
ST : I became interested in architecture when I rebuilt my parents' house when I was in high school.I read the collections and biographies of architects around the world at that time and thought they were cool.
ST : I chose it myelf.
ST : I design a wide range of projects, including commercial buildings, homes, offices, and factories. In the future, I would like to design something with a more public and dynamic scale.
ST : Design talent is of course important, but since architecture costs a lot of money, you won't receive work requests unless you gain social trust as a human being. Don't rush and gain experience that will lead to your future
ST : Being humble.
ST : Architectural design is not solely the work of architects. Behind it are legal constraints, cost limitations, functionality, and the client's demands. Designs that overcome these restrictions and are expressed creatively should be highly valued.
ST : If good architecture has an impact on the surrounding environment and economy, I think we should invest in design.
ST : I want to design my own home
ST : my own home
ST : Constantly striving for a higher level and never being satisfied with the current situation.
ST : Mies van der Rohe、Carlo Scarpa 、Tadao Ando
ST : Tomba Brion designed by Carlo Scarpa.Beautiful and exquisite details
ST : I try not to think of my work as the best because I want to constantly evolve. The one that received the most praise was Villa K, which won this award.
ST : Visualize yourself every day as you want to be in the future. When you do this, your actions will naturally change, and the results will change as well.
ST : My master architect MITURU KIRYU
ST : Design experience when young
ST : living expenses
ST : The world's excellent media and websites
ST : Larger-scale projects not only in Japan but also overseas
ST : I will burn myself out to the end of my life in order to preserve as many buildings on earth as possible that move people and give them hope.
ST : Unique design you won't find anywhere else
ST : Good architecture attracts people and has a positive impact on the economy and environment.
ST : Fusion of structure and design
ST : Villa K received this award. The client asked me to design freely without thinking about cost, and I was able to create freely.
ST : Especially in Japan, where I live, I would like to see an environment where architects are more respected. Nowadays, there are fewer of them compared to the rest of the world.
ST : Customized designs tailored to the needs of individual clients and users are required.
ST : 3 months to half a year. 1 year at most
ST : First, listen carefully to what the client is saying. Then, find and organize the true desire within those words. After that, I drew sketches over and over until I came up with a concise and beautiful shape.
ST : An attitude of never being satisfied with the status quo and pursuing better designs
ST : I don't think we can ignore the influence of trends as well as design demands. We always design with the hope that our designs will create new trends.
ST : Turning a vague image in your head into a concrete form
ST : Sketch, 3D computer graphics
ST : Things like makeup and clothes. That in itself is an important element, but what I value most is the beauty of the spaces and structures that make up architecture. If you were to compare it to a person, it would be a skeleton. If you have a beautiful bone structure, you will look beautiful no matter what you wear.
ST : The process of creating a design
ST : excitement. Emotional excitement. I feel motivated to do more
ST : It varies depending on the role, such as design, structure, equipment design, etc., but I think it's very stimulating to collaborate with people who have talents that you don't have.
ST : My master architect MITURU KIRYU
ST : wirks of Tadao Ando
ST : During my young apprenticeship, I experienced designing as many types and scales as possible.
ST : I would like to discuss current social issues and the future with people from different industries.
ST : I am very happy to receive an evaluation from a third party and it gives me confidence. I don't know why a work is rated as famous because it is evaluated by a third party, but I think it depends on whether or not you can wait patiently until you come across a work that is rated as famous.
ST : Color: Black Location: Venice Food: Pasta, Sushi Season: Spring Brand: Nothing in particular
ST : My father was a student at Nagoya University, so he often took me to the Toyota Auditorium at Nagoya University when I was little. Toyota Auditorium is the first building in Japan by architect Fumihiko Maki, who won the Pritzker Architecture Prize. I was only 3 or 5 years old, but I still remember the power I felt from that architecture. When I'm worried or hit a wall, I still go to that place to clear my mind.
ST : Every day, visualize yourself as someone who will be admired by everyone in the future.
ST : yes. I've always wanted to do that.
ST : Just as there were civilizations and cultures on this earth tens of thousands of years ago, there is no creation.
ST : I would like him to be known as one of the Japanese architects who pays close attention to detail, as symbolized by Japanese food and hospitality.
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