Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Ryuichi Sasaki ("RS") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
RS : I grew up in a family where both my parents were architects. My father, in particular, studied under Mies van der Rohe and Miron Goldsmith at IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology). As for my own education, I studied under Ronald Krueck and John Ronan at IIT. Later, I completed my master's degree at Columbia University's GSAPP (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation), where I studied under Hani Rashid and Lise-Anne Couture.
RS : To be honest, it's the family business.
RS : I was never encouraged by my family to pursue a career in architecture. My father often mentioned that managing an architectural design firm was not easy. However, when I was 15, we took a family trip to USA, during which we visited Crown Hall at IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology). While there, I saw the spatial studies projects of fourth-year university students, and that's when I realized I wanted to study architecture.
RS : More Music and Cultural Hall, Museum, and Residential Projects.
RS : I'm not a legend yet, but young designers will continue to question whether design is their true calling.
RS : While there are many aspects to consider, a typical designer creates designs according to the client's requirements. A great designer, on the other hand, is one who can think beyond the current era and consider things from a timeless perspective.
RS : It's not just about looking cool, but rather a design that encompasses all elements comprehensively.
RS : Economics.
RS : Museum to represent my view of the world design.
RS : Secret is secret?
RS : Mies van der Rohe, Ronald Krueck, John Ronan, Hani Rashid, Lise-Anne Couture
RS : The common thread is that they all translate the will of the era into space.
RS : The common thread is that they all translate the will of the era into space.
RS : Always be humble.
RS : Stock Dealer.
RS : To have functionality.
RS : Ronald Krueck, John Ronan, Hani Rashid, Lise-Anne Couture, Hideyo Noguchi.
RS : Always be humble.
RS : Always be humble.
RS : It depends on the designers.
RS : More Music and Cultural Hall, Museum, and Residential Projects. And please give us international projects.
RS : Always approach the kernel.
RS : Always approach the kernel.
RS : Something becoming a catalyst or trigger for something else
RS : Something becoming a catalyst or trigger for something else
RS : Frame Iga Complex, Ideareve Ikegami. These projects demonstrate examples of a new concept in multi-purpose architecture.
RS : AI will undoubtedly transform spaces.
RS : AI will undoubtedly transform spaces.
RS : It depends on the projects.
RS : First, we consider a segment configuration that meets the most basic functions.
RS : Good Health.
RS : 2D and 3D Cad.
RS : It occupies a very significant element, but that's not everything.
RS : Please ask us for more details.
RS : We have a lot of co-design in the past.
RS : more Artists rather than Architects.
RS : At school, Ronald Krueck, John Ronan, Hani Rashid, Lise-Anne Coture. At work, Hideyo Noguchi.
RS : Mies van der Rohe.
RS : I think it is not easy to become famous, which I have not reached yet.
RS : Spring is my favorite.
RS : It's a shame that we don't often come across interesting things soon.
RS : I am still not a great designer yet, so I hope it will come someday like that.
RS : Not at all. I was not even thinking of becoming an architect.
RS : I'm looking forward to seeing what remains from our current era 1000 years from now.
RS : Thank you for this wonderful award. Please take a look at the work for this award again. Thank you.
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