Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Jiaxing Guo ("JG") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.

DL: Could you please tell us a bit about your design background and education?

JG : I was studying engineering before I even heard of design. After graduated, I got a job as a industrial designer in a maker lab, mainly working with 3D printers. After three years I decided to study design more systematically to valid my design process. And that was why I came to Los Angeles to study product design.

DL: What motivates you to design in general, why did you become a designer?

JG : My desire of creating. I think being a designer is great way for me to execute my creative skills.

DL: Did you choose to become a designer, or you were forced to become one?

JG : I chose to become a designer. I came across industrial design after I graduated. It was a book by Naoto Fukasawa.

DL: What do you design, what type of designs do you wish to design more of?

JG : For the most of my time now, I design shoes, either functional sneakers and casual shoes. For the rest of my time, I also design furniture and lighting. I with I could design some pop-up spaces.

DL: What should young designers do to become a design legend like you?

JG : Be brave. Don’t afraid to break the rules.

DL: What distinguishes between a good designer and a great designer?

JG : A good designer designs objects. A great designer designs experiences.

DL: What makes a good design a really good design, how do you evaluate good design?

JG : There is a sweet spot……It’s really hard to tell. Although every designer has their own criteria, but when you know it, you know it.

DL: What is the value of good design? Why should everyone invest in good design?

JG : Good design makes impact. Actually I don’t think everyone should invest in good design. Just like a stock, if everyone should or could invest it, something bad would happen.

DL: What would you design and who would you design for if you had the time?

JG : I would design cups, purely for drinking. And I would design for my cats.

DL: What is the dream project you haven’t yet had time to realize?

JG : It would be a shelter for everyone.

DL: What is your secret recipe of success in design, what is your secret ingredient?

JG : “Only one step forward.”

DL: Who are some other design masters and legends you get inspired from?

JG : The first one was Naoto Fukasawa. I study product design because of him. Also Philippe Starck. I like his style.

DL: What are your favorite designs by other designers, why do you like them?

JG : Alessi Juicy Salif Citrus Squeezer by Philippe Starck. It's not functional at all but nobody cares lol.

DL: What is your greatest design, which aspects of that design makes you think it is great?

JG : My Silver Siren Speaker design. I think it is a great representation of the concept of form+function.

DL: How could people improve themselves to be better designers, what did you do?

JG : Talk to other people. Know more about people's life.

DL: If you hadn’t become a designer, what would you have done?

JG : Probably a singer. I like singing and I can sing pretty good.

DL: How do you define design, what is design for you?

JG : Design is creating experience for people. To me, it's a way for me to talk to my audience.

DL: Who helped you to reach these heights, who was your biggest supporter?

JG : My family.

DL: What helped you to become a great designer?

JG : Curiosity and empathetic.

DL: What were the obstacles you faced before becoming a design master?

JG : I was studying engineering before I became a designer. There were basically two differen mindsets whick took me a while to transfer to one from another.

DL: How do you think designers should present their work?

JG : Good design needs great presentaion. But great design doesn't.

DL: What’s your next design project, what should we expect from you in future?

JG : It will be a collection of "normal" daily objects. Should be boring and fun at the same time.

DL: What’s your ultimate goal as a designer?

JG : To be a better person.

DL: What people expect from an esteemed designer such as yourself?

JG : People want good design and they don't need to know who's behind it.

DL: How does design help create a better society?

JG : Design creates good experience for people. And the experience of people decides if it's a better society.

DL: What are you currently working on that you are especially excited about?

JG : I'm working on my 3D printing footwear. It's the future of footwear design.

DL: Which design projects gave you the most satisfaction, why?

JG : My Silver Siren Speaker project. It was hand-made by myself and the most annoying and satisfying part was sanding. It was like medication.

DL: What would you like to see changed in design industry in the coming years?

JG : I wish designes could make more money.

DL: How long does it take you to finalize a design project?

JG : The times are various based on the complexity of the projects. Could be days or years.

DL: When you have a new design project, where do you start?

JG : I would start talking to my clients or users. I'd like to know what they really need on the products.

DL: What is your life motto as a designer?

JG : "Be brave."

DL: Do you think design sets the trends or trends set the designs?

JG : For the most of the cases, trends set the designs. For other cases, great designs set trends.

DL: What is the role of technology when you design?

JG : Teh technology would be an essential aspect when I design. Either for the design itself, or the excecution of the design process.

DL: What kind of design software and equipment do you use in your work?

JG : I use my desktop and laptop. For the most of my work, I need to do 3D. So I use Blender/Keyshot/Rhino for the most of the time.

DL: What is the role of the color, materials and ambient in design?

JG : If design is a person, the basic design is the body. The CMF and ambient creates the personalities.

DL: What do you wish people to ask about your design?

JG : I want peopel talk more about their own feelings that I or my design brought, instead my design.

DL: When you see a new great design or product what comes into your mind?

JG : WOW! How did she/he design it?

DL: Who is your ideal design partner? Do you believe in co-design?

JG : I don't know yet...to be honest I don;t believe in co-design. I believe in collabration thought but not co-design.

DL: Which people you interacted had the most influence on your design?

JG : My peers from my design school. They inspired me a lot.

DL: Which books you read had the most effect on your design?

JG : It's a book that shows the portfolio of Naoto Fukasawa. This book brought design to me.

DL: How did you develop your skills as a master designer?

JG : I need to learn every day. Especially for my 3D skills because they are new things come out everyday.

DL: Irrelative of time and space, who you would want to meet, talk and discuss with?

JG : Philippe Starck. He doesn't speak English and I cannot speak French. I just want to see what would happen if I meet him.

DL: How do you feel about all the awards and recognition you had, is it hard to be famous?

JG : It's really hard because it takes time and effort.

DL: What is your favorite color, place, food, season, thing and brand?

JG : Green/My car/Pizza/Winter/music/Coca-Cola!

DL: Please tell us a little memoir, a funny thing you had experienced as a designer?

JG : Sometimes your clients could be too much dominat. Once I designed a logo for a start-up brand, during the design process, basiclly my client was making all the font choices.

DL: What makes your day great as a designer, how do you motivate yourself?

JG : The right answer is I have a new design coming. The wrong answer is a new payment from my client.

DL: When you were a little child, was it obvious that you would become a great designer?

JG : Not at all. I had no idea what design is when I was little.

DL: What do you think about future; what do you see will happen in thousand years from now?

JG : For the most of our things, the future would be reletively the same as what we have now.

DL: Please tell us anything you wish your fans to know about you, your design and anything else?

JG : I also do art! I paint, and I sculpt.



Silver Siren Speaker

Silver Siren Speaker by Jiaxing Guo

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Design Legends website was created by DesignPRWire and A' Design Award to promote truly great designers, outstanding architects and inspirational artists that contribute to the development and advancement of society with their outstanding works.