Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Troels Grum-Schwensen ("TG") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
TG : Architect and furniture-designer from Royal Danish Academy 1986
TG : A passion for giving shape. Interest in improving functionality by innovation. Minimize use of materials.
TG : I chosed to be an architect and designer
TG : Design for spaces and humans: Room, smaller buildings, furniture.
TG : Im not a legend - just a designer/Architect trying to do my best. Designers should be humble and steady working for the sake of their philosophy.
TG : Coherence and inner logic in the object. Substantial innovation.
TG : Coherence and inner logic in the object. Substantial innovation.
TG : Better solutions, longliveability aesthetcally and physically
TG : Im open to many kinds of new challenges in the area of design related to spaces.
TG : A building inc. all detailing and furnishing
TG : Im not having that much success I have had to be very steady and hard-working.
TG : Eames, Kjærholm, J. Gammelgård
TG : Many. E.g: Eames fiber-shell-chairs
TG : ATTACH tablesystem. Its combínation of industrial production and extreme costomizeability and adaptability to any architectural space
TG : Work - in some periods "day and night"
TG : hmm - maybe a marine-biologist
TG : Planning and creation af better solutions - always with human and space in mind.
TG : I had good teachers during my time at the Rpoyal Academy: Dan Svarth, Erik Krogh among others.
TG : Steadyness. Around 30years of hard work despite limited success.
TG : Around 30years of hard work with limited success.
TG : their own way
TG : We´ll see.
TG : having done something useable for people
TG : Ask them (Im not really esteemed)
TG : by taking care of people, spaces, environments, the planet
TG : Cant tell you before publizing
TG : some of my innovative table-systems
TG : more suistainable approaches
TG : sustainability and adaptivity
TG : 4 weeks - 5years
TG : thinking and sketching with pencil
TG : integriity
TG : Trends are friend of sales of lesser products. Trends are one of the worst enemies of good and substantial design - and something a good designer should not adapt to.
TG : Great importance
TG : Important - not at least materials
TG : Their choice
TG : Inner integrity
TG : I do believe in co-design, but have always practised as a solo-designer myself.
TG : Some teachers from my time of studies
TG : Monographies about Mies, Aalto and others
TG : by practice
TG : A Aalto, J Lennon, K Marx
TG : Im not at all famous, despite the awards
TG : I try to be open mindede and avoid sticking to favorites
TG : It was fun to see the Lammhults-developers in their secret cellar, exalted by the supringsingly stability of first prototype of my ATTACH-table.
TG : Having done something, I feel is good. I also think everybody likes to get some rekognition for their work. Me too.
TG : No - but I l,iked to draw and study birds and their evolution
TG : Nobody knows. Hope the humanity will survive that long ...
TG : See my website:
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