Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Fabrizio Constanza ("FC") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
FC : Currently I manage Fabrizio Constanza Design Studio. We design unique custom furniture, interior design and special home design solutions. My education backgound is Industrial Design
FC : curiosity is the main reason I became a Designer. I had always being intrigue on how things work and the effect they have on us.
FC : I choose to become a designer. It was a natural desition
FC : I design functional art, custom furniture, conceptual sculptures, and I also consult with companies. The firm is working towards assisting corporations to transition to a design-thinking model of business.
FC : Publish their work in a professional manner. That is: great design solutions, information log, great photography, and extra hours of work.
FC : The desire to generate flawless designs and produce helpful information
FC : The client´s satisfaction.
FC : Good design is a positive engagement that develops into an endeavor. The return of these investments on design is achieving maximum results through innovation.
FC : I’m very glad to say I already do both. I design for those who appreciate my work; time is a commodity that cannot be wasted.
FC : I am sure when it comes to mind I will engage energetically to it. So far, I have done all that I have envisioned
FC : It´s measuring time, the parameter that defines the process.
FC : I am a visual person; my inspiration comes from general observation, not any specific person
FC : I appreciate Italian modern yachts, Porsche, Calatrava, and Calder
FC : I create timeless works of design. All of them are special. What makes them great is that they are timeless pieces.
FC : Stop designing for profit and start designing for passion.
FC : I would be a RAF pilot
FC : Design is to include evolution into our products.
FC : My parents, wife and Son.
FC : It’s a lonely road to the top. I have great appreciation to those who crossed my path, their influence helped design my vision
FC : The comfort zone; it’s a natural surviving instinct that we all must learn to overcome on a daily basis.
FC : In two ways: so that the client understands, and also the world grasps the idea.
FC : We are working on two large sculptures; a rotating environment; a restaurant design; four plinth designs, and apartment interiors.
FC : That future designers and society in general benefit from my work.
FC : Fantastic solutions
FC : Designers perceive the interaction between all things; designers could create solutions that minimize collateral damage.
FC : My new business model
FC : Social projects; it is an extreme pleasure to provide art, and it´s appreciation, to all persons, thus enriching all life.
FC : Design industry must adapt to each country’s industries, culture and needs. It would seem unbelievable, but design programs around the world are rigid and standardized.
FC : Hopefully to business, with business schools teaching design thinking and innovation; it is the next logical step.
FC : On an average, it takes three month.
FC : I listen, observe and listen again.
FC : I want to make a difference in the world
FC : Businesses sets the trends, design follows orders.
FC : I seek results; technology is part of the tool box, but not the magic hat.
FC : We use 3d max, Auto-cad, Corel Draw, bond paper, tracing paper, napkins, etc.
FC : It is extremely important to our projects.
FC : Any question is welcome. Usually the answer makes their eyes shine.
FC : I am not alone after all
FC : Greg Jacobs from Ignite performance USA, we have a good work rhythm. Absolutely, I believe on co-design.
FC : The client, of course
FC : Like any other skill, through training and practice.
FC : Winston Churchill
FC : I am honored by the jurors that have seen the work we are developing; fame is fantastic, yet I admit I still must learn how to handle it better
FC : Colour: British Green Place; place: London;Food: Southwestern Mexican; Season: Winter; Thing: Sports; Brand: Porsche
FC : design is fun generally speaking
FC : When I “see” the project solution.
FC : Yes; I was always perfecting my toys
FC : I will not be physically here but my work will prevail. Or simply we will be extinct.
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