Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Mohamad Montazeri ("MM") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
MM : I lived and grew up in an artistic atmosphere as a child. Painting and music were some of my most important artistic activities before entering university and studying design. I had a lot of success in painting and music. In painting, I managed to experience different styles and held more than 10 solo painting exhibitions, and in music, I was able to play various instruments, and I also made several songs and music albums. Despite all these successes, with the full interest and knowledge I had of design, I decided to study industrial design at university. Today I have reached a level where I do not enjoy life without design.
MM : I love design because I love to creation and I believe that the greatest human ability is to create. So what’s better than using this ability in the best way?
MM : I have been interested in design since I was a child, and this interest grew over time, and finally, I entered the university with full interest and knowledge about this field and studied in this field, and now I am completely satisfied with the decision.
MM : I am more interested in product design particularly digital product design, and besides, I am very interested in calculations and data analysis, examples of which are in parametric design and generative design.
MM : Frequent and intermittent study increases knowledge and this knowledge is completed by gaining a lot of experience in the work. All this is possible for someone who has a clear plan for his future and has a lot of perseverance. But with all these hardships, I think it's harder to stay a legend than being a legend.
MM : A good designer has reached a good standard and the result is quality designs and this is very good. But a great designer is beyond the standards of a good designer because s/he has more concerns that result from his/her different outlook on life and the world and it sets him/her and his/her work apart. The great designer and his/her works last forever.
MM : Design is not just about form and function. It also has dimensions that paying attention to each of them, will improve you step by step. The more concerned the designer is, the more mature and complete the design. This infinite way goes as far as the designer has the understanding and ability to climb these steps. The more concerned the designer is, the harder his/her design process becomes, but the more enjoyable and lasting the result will be. This is a really good design.
MM : Good design is actually win-win design. It does not harm anything and no one is harmed because it is a perfect design and it also perfects human life.
MM : I have countless answers to this question. But in general, I respect any subject that can meet the need and solve a problem and make people more aware, and I would like to design in that field. The most important thing is to help balance the environment, the Earth and human beings.
MM : I have many big projects in mind, each of which can change the world. I cannot prefer one over the other. I can only say that what they all have in common is helping to make better world.
MM : Knowledge from extensive and intermittent study, interest in learning at any time and at any level of life, having a clear goal, perseverance and experience.
MM : I am very interested in history and I study history a lot. Especially the history of design. In answer to this question, I must say that many people and movements have directly or indirectly influenced me to this day, but in the meantime, I have been most influenced by the period of modernity and the Bauhaus school as well as good design. I am very interested in the works of Dieter Rams and I admire them.
MM : Every good design is respectable and lovable to me.
MM : I have an important motto for myself, which is: " do not do something, or if you do, do it in the best and most complete way." I strongly believe in this statement and that is why I have tried my best to be the best of its kind in all my designs. For this reason, for me, all of my designs are valuable. I am very satisfied with all of them.
MM : First of all, having an interest in design is very important. Good design requires a lot of patience and this patience can only be achieved by having interest. Perseverance and gaining knowledge through study and gaining experience are other important factors.
MM : I cannot imagine a world without design for myself.
MM : The definition of design in my view is the purposeful and conscious process of creating a value.
MM : Many people have directly or indirectly influenced my life. But I cannot mention the names of people here because someone's name may be forgotten. These people are very valuable and important to me and I wish them more success and health.
MM : Great interest in design, effort and knowledge that I gain through extensive and intermittent study.
MM : There have been many obstacles that have arisen for me due to living conditions. The important thing is that with management and self-confidence and patience I was able to overcome them all. What is useful to me today is that potential obstacles are easily predictable to me, and this helps prevent them from being encountered.
MM : I consider presentation as part of the design process and for this reason I believe that presentation is very important and necessary for a designer. No matter how good a designer's design is, if it is not presented correctly and intelligently, it will not look good and will not be well presented.
MM : Many projects are underway. In general, they all have in common the simplicity of form and creativity in idea. I like good design and I try to walk in that direction.
MM : In design, I reach a position where I can be more influential in life with my designs and help balance between the human, environment and the Earth.
MM : Commitment to work and value to human beings and the environment is the most important expectation that all of us human beings should have from each other.
MM : A better society depends on the greater awareness of the people of that society. A good design can raise the level of awareness and concern of human beings and consequently improve the quality level and standards of that society. The most important examples of these concerns are attention to optimal consumption, respect for the environment and the Earth.
MM : I am always very sensitive and obsessive in choosing my subjects, and this makes me have a lot of excitement and satisfaction with my work, both during the design process and after finishing the work. I am currently working on three projects simultaneously that have their own places.
MM : I have experienced this feeling in all my designs, but in general, the closer the design is to the goal of respect and attention to human beings and the environment, the more I am satisfied.
MM : The increase in population and human needs on the one hand and the encouragement of consumerism due to the great thirst for financial maximization, has led to a dramatic increase in the uncontrolled harvest of natural resources and energy, as well as waste production. The destruction of the Earth means the destruction of our home. Technology is advancing more rapidly over the years, and I would like technology to be one of the factors in the future who helps preserve the land and the environment instead of destroying it.
MM : I think the role of technology in it will be much more prominent than today. However, history reminds us that at times, this role of technology becomes so prominent that it will cause shock, and as a result, we will see the emergence of various anti-technological movements in design. But all this is temporary and technology will easily strengthen its place in the design and future life of people.
MM : I can not specify a specific time period. The time spent for each project is different.
MM : Knowing the subject is a good starting point. Studying, interview and any method of gathering information to understand the subject of design, provides me a good and very important starting point.
MM : The designer is not a neutral human being. The designer is not separate from man, society and the environment. The designer must be up to date at all times and know what is going on around him. Design is not a pure science or art that can be formed in isolation. It must flow like a river and hit rocks, ridges, hills and heights along the way to stay fresh and successful.
MM : I think both affect each other and complement each other. This is a cycle that is constantly synergistic. New trends are created from new designs and new designs are created in the context of new trends.
MM : Technology plays a very important role in my designs. Maybe it's because of my great interest in technology and my extensive study in this field.
MM : Depending on the type of project, it can be different, but in general, we can refer to 3D modeling software, rendering, presentation and simulators and data analysis.
MM : All these are the main pillars of design and complete the design.
MM : Protect the Earth.
MM : I always get excited by seeing good designs and I enjoy working with them. The most important thing that comes to my mind is how I would design it if I wanted to design it.
MM : Undoubtedly Elham Mirzapour. She has been the best business partner I have ever had.
MM : I see the role of my colleague Elham Mirzapour much more vividly than others.
MM : I am very interested in reading and spend a lot of time reading during the day. Every study has had a special effect on me and has helped me to mature. But in the meantime, I find books on the history of design and the study of art and design movements more effective than any other book I have read.
MM : Gaining successive experiences by welcoming various challenges as well as up-to-date knowledge through frequent and intermittent study.
MM : There are many additions, but the most important are Omar Khayyam, Dieter Rams, and Albert Einstein.
MM : It definitely feels good. But as you get bigger, the human responsibility becomes more and more difficult.
MM : Color: dark color palette, place: pristine nature, food: traditional Iranian and Mediterranean dishes, season: spring, and finally I must say that I love collecting glasses.
MM : I do not have a specific memory to define in my mind right now, but I can say that every moment of my life is full of memories and events. Because I pay a lot of attention to the environment and the little things that others may not pay attention to and pass by easily. This has been one of the reasons for my success in design.
MM : Seeing good designs, spending time in the heart of pristine nature.
MM : Yes. totally. I have been interested in design since I was a child, and as much as I can remember I have been exploring my surroundings, curiosity, questioning, theorizing, and inventing. Going to university and studying industrial design promoted this innate interest in me.
MM : The speed of technological progress as well as the speed of intellectual growth of society has increased very much and is increasing day by day. The future may have two opposing faces, both of which stem from our behaviors today. Or with the help of the very good tools and facilities, it progresses towards perfection and degenerates with pride and arrogance. I sincerely wish the best future for the earth and its inhabitants.
MM : It was a comprehensive interview and I do not think there is no specific topic left that we did not address. Finally, thank you for choosing me as a design legend and this interview.
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