Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Hajime Tsushima ("HT") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
HT : After graduating from the Department of Craft and Industrial Design at the National Okayama Polytechnic College, I worked as a product designer at an environmental facility manufacturer. Later, I established the Tsushima Design independently. Currently, I serve as the representative of Tsushima Design while teaching graphic design as an associate professor in the Department of Design at Osaka University of Arts.
HT : My dream since I was a child was to become a designer or an artist. I have loved drawing ever since I was young and always wanted to make a career out of my art.
HT : Of course, it was my own choice. I became a designer driven by my strong passion.
HT : I design graphic design in general, including branding, corporate identity (CI), package design, web design, and editorial design.
HT : It’s important to keep putting in constant effort. The key is to never give up and to keep pursuing things relentlessly.
HT : A good designer can create beautiful and functional designs, but a great designer sees the essence of the problem and provides solutions through design. They also go beyond existing constraints and limitations, proposing new perspectives and approaches.
HT : ey elements of good design include clarity of purpose, aesthetic balance, and uniqueness with creativity. Methods for evaluation involve assessing how effectively the design achieves its stated objectives and innovation. Additionally, it considers whether the design remains appealing and functional over time and whether it positively impacts society and the environment.
HT : Good design improves usability, enhances brand value, evokes emotions, and creates new value. It also contributes to problem-solving and sustainability. Investing in good design strengthens competitiveness, ensures long-term success, and positively influences society and culture.
HT : If I had the time, I would design posters. I would create posters on various themes and challenge myself by participating in exhibitions and competitions held around the world.
HT : I would love to have my own solo exhibition someday.
HT : Deeply understanding the user’s feelings and constantly seeking new perspectives are key. Creating something that resonates with people’s hearts is essential.
HT : I draw inspiration from Edo-period ink paintings and ukiyo-e, with famous artists like Katsushika Hokusai and Ito Jakuchu being key influences.
HT : I like traditional Japanese art. It's like Ukiyo-e.
HT : This "Life" poster is my signature work. It won the Grand Prix at the China International Poster Biennale, along with top awards at numerous international competitions. It was created with typography completed in multiple lines, with careful attention to detail in every aspect of the design.
HT : believe it’s important to constantly observe various things and stay alert to gather information. Also, it’s essential to never give up and pursue things until the end.I also believe that the accumulation of daily effort is crucial.
HT : I haven't thought much about it
HT : I believe that design is life.
HT : It's my family.
HT : I was good at the graphics department and loved making posters.
HT : I never thought of design as a wall, but rather as growth.
HT : I think the most important thing is to pursue your own originality.
HT : In the future, I'm thinking of opening my own exhibition.
HT : Humanity may have transcended physical existence and merged with technology and AI.
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