Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Ricardo Graham Ferreira ("RGF") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
RGF : I have studied Marketing in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, but later on, as I discovered woodworking, I chased woodworking schools and finally, after 4 years attending 2 different schools in Europe, one in Italy the other in France, I got, in 2006, my degree in cabinet making.
RGF : Designing is for me I way of transforming ideas into things. I'm not a scholar designer. I became a designer because of my work with wood. Something that happened through the use of the hands.
RGF : Mostly wooden furniture. Objects as well. Sculptures now and then.
RGF : Legend?! I prefere not focusing on that. I love to donate forms to wood using my hands, love the feeling of the wood, the use of tools. That's it. If we are really interested in something, we develope ways of expressign ideas, of learning, of increasing skills, of comunicating. To became someone known for your work is the result of being ones self into it, it's not a main goal.
RGF : I don't know. Maybe is to be yourself. To love what you do. Meaning, to have interest to learn and to explore investigating ideas, encouraging yourself to being adventurous.
RGF : Good design has a context. Is a design that meets needs. Be function, beauty, emotion... But, free from vanity.
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